The Underdogs | Teen Ink

The Underdogs

October 15, 2015
By Antwan-the-great BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Antwan-the-great BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
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“RUN!” We all shouted as Jonderius was chasing Brock across the ship to the entry way.
Brock was sprinting as hard as he could but still he couldn’t make it to the door before it closed. Then all of a sudden Brock made it. Gasping for air Brock was still ok, but he was the least of our problems. With Jonderius right by the door we couldn’t return to earth.
“Andrew get off of your game right now! There’s a meeting on Jupiter! You know it takes over fifteen minutes to get there,” she said.
“Ok mom, let me finish this game and I’ll be right down,” I yelled back.
Finally the game ended and I got in my suit and went down to the space chamber. There waiting was my 5’ 6” mother from Mars. Her red hair represented the ground of our home planet.  Her eyes like others of her kind, dark for the darkness of the galaxy, and white pupils for the moon that was light years away.  Then there was me, a 6’ 6” blonde that had no friends except for his partners in crime that he was leaving to go meet. But besides them no one liked me. I am two grades ahead my own and an all-star swimmer. Finally after I got out of my regular clothes, I slipped on a space suit and my helmet and we were on the way to our Space Diver 3500, the fastest most aero dynamic vehicle in the galaxy.
Finally we made it to Mars like usual. We walked into this small secret door hidden in a cave and walked down the stairs to sit at our conference table. Like always I would be the first one there, and next would be Jake, a very average humanoid who has the height of around 5’10” and cares about his hair more than anything that has ever been created. The one thing that really sets Jake apart from the others is his ability to control wind and earth elements.
After Jake came Brock, the small but very muscular brunette. He was the joker of the group, the smart guy who could say whatever he wanted to, and his special ability was super strength. If you have ever seen the weight lifters on the Olympics that lift 700 pound dumbbells, picture Brock, who can lift them up with his pinky finger.
Then there was Joseph, this skinny looking skeleton. You must be thinking, right now how can a skeleton be skinny, but if you look at Joe you’ll see how it can be. Joe is very smart like me, and he is also a grade above his own. He is involved with sports which I don’t understand since he’s skin and bone’. The only thing that set him apart from a normal humanoid was his ability to control the sky. The only way he could do that was on earth, which is the only flaw to his plan and mine. Like Joseph, my ability was also on earth, water, the most necessary resource for humans. This is why I have to drink two gallons of water before I leave. Without some sort of water in my body I would be shriveled up and dead.
Finally Captain, our commander in chief, mentor, and guardian walked into the room. His name was Ulleyses Kennedy. The man that single handedly took down the whole Mandicore empire, an elite group of skilled aliens that planned to destroy earth and all of its elements. Finally he got to his seat and said, “ You will be scared by this mission that we must accomplish, yet no one has beat you when you believe in yourself, and that’s what I want you to remember once you hear this,” He continued,” the Mandicore are back with a brand new leader and my arch nemesis.”
“Jonderius?” we all stuttered in fear.
“Yes children, he has returned with a bigger and more skilled army. They are trained to kill Protectors like you, which also comes with other news.”
“What?” we all said.
“You are the only Protectors left to stop the Mandicore,” he said with great depression.
“You’ve gotta be kidding, they couldn’t have survived the other branches, right?” Brock asked.
“Like I said, they have had great increase in skill, strength and strategy and if I recall ,all the other groups were still in training and haven’t had a battle yet, correct?” our leader said.
“Correct,” we all said with great depression and sympathy for the ones that fell in battle.
“The reason why I called this meeting was because I wanted to warn about what is coming after and how powerful it is. You must train ten times harder, study our strategies more than you ever have, and this may be our last battle as a whole team. If you want to stay together you will have to watch each other’s back, fight like I and your parents have taught you to fight. Do not give up when you want to, give up when you can’t go no more. Is this all clear to you?” he said with great compassion.
“Yes,” we all said.
“Meetings over.” He said
That night when we returned home I was shocked at what I heard that night. All of departments had fallen to the Mandicore and its’ leader Jonderius. What scared me most of all was when he told us this might be our last fight as a group. Was he being serious or just motivating us to go harder? I could not tell. Then finally at about 2:00 a.m. in the morning I fell asleep.
Thank goodness it was the weekend so I could sleep in. My mom is a wonderful cook and she made bacon and pancakes. Once I smelled breakfast I jolted down the stairs to the kitchen and almost ate all of the food except for my mom’s part. I went to the gym to do my regular workouts that I had to do and then did my school work. Finally the day was over and I went to sleep.
It seemed like every single day before they came was the exact same for a week, and then we heard devastating news that involved my regular life and my secret life together. My aunt from Neutron had just passed away because of some sort of probe penetrating straight through her body. I knew that they were not on earth but they knew who I was, who I love, and who my friends are. I contacted Captain right away.
“Sir, they have killed my aunt and I am afraid they killed her because of me. If they know of this they could know of the whole force. What should we do?”
“Call the whole squad and have them report to headquarters, now! Hopefully it isn’t too late,” Captain replied.
Finally, after we all arrived at headquarters we could stop worrying. Then Captain spoke,” Our whole operation has been compromised, your normal lives have been found and they know where you live. The only option was to erase your lives from earth.” he said.
“What!?” we all yelled.
He said “I know, I know, this was the best planet we have ever been sent to protect, but it’s too risky. We must train here for the combat. This also goes for your parents. You must train every day to be ready to battle.”
“Yes sir,” we all replied.
“Get sleep, tomorrow we start training. You are dismissed,” Captain said.
For that week it felt like the end was near. Captain did not stop pushing us until we started to moan and cry about the pain. Then we were reminded about what they had done to our brethren, and we went longer and harder. Every day was like pump up for a big game, waiting for our moment to strike upon our enemy. And then the day had come. It was early morning, about 3 or 4am, and the alarm went off.
“What do we got, Brock?” Captain said.
“An intrusion of the solar system,” Brock repeated.
“Everybody in position,” captain yelled, “Our time is now” he said boldly.
We put on our space suits with built in flying power and we were on our way. We got into our formation and we broke the atmosphere. There, we saw our targets located approximately 30.134 degrees north and 40.278 wests. Captain and Joseph split off to the left, and Brock, Jake, and I moved to the right toward the water and the battle commenced. Before we even hit the ground we were getting fired at. During first wave Brock came out of nowhere and plowed them over with his super smash. Then Jake threw up a ginormous row of rocks that penetrated their line of defense.
We saw Joseph and Captain on the other side totally destroying their line of defense. Then out of nowhere explosions start going off. “Defense systems, duck!” yelled Brock.
Then we saw Jonderius himself. I told Brock and Joseph to keep their defense away from me. I summoned a ginormous tidal wave to carry me around their defense straight to Jonderius. He said “Your puny master was able to defeat me before, but I am stronger and more powerful. You and your master are no comparison to me.”
“I think you’re in for a surprise there,” I said very boldly.
After that I summoned all the water that I could at will. Then BAMMMM, it hit him so hard he fell to the ground and part of his battle outfit was destroyed. “You think your so tough then take this....” and smash, a boulder hit him on his head
“What happened?” Then he turned around and realized all of his defenses have fallen, and then he launched himself into space.
We followed him, but then realized Captain did not have a suit because it was destroyed in battle, and then I remembered our space ship. I told him there was one at my house and that he could use the ship to get there. Off he went and now it was just Jonderius and us.
Once we reached the moon we saw him and landed. With all his might he slammed the ground and sent spikes at us. I tried to summon water but we weren’t on earth, Jake tried to summon rocks but could not, Brock could not get to him because of the spikes, and Joseph did not have the sky. We were trapped, we had no fuel, and we had no powers. Then we heard an engine, and right on time was Captain and he zoomed in for the rescue. We all scattered for the vehicle. Once we got there we almost left but forgot about Brock. It looked like he was injured, and right behind him was Jonderius. Brock was on the landing strip going as fast as he could.  We were all shouting and yelling for him to get here. Finally, he got on and we shut the doors to the c***pit, but Jonderius was still on the ship. We could not return to Earth. Then Captain said, “I will not be able to make it back but I will leave. You must save yourselves. This is my fight anyways.”
Before we could even say anything he sprung out the door toward Jonderius and hit the launch button so we couldn’t stay. Once we reached Earth we were devastated. Our one and only leader had left us, we could not stay on Earth, and we would have to travel to another galaxy. We didn’t know what we would do, but we did know that Jonderius was finally defeated by the one and only UNDERDOGS.

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by showing that it does not matter your size but it matters what your mentality is. Confucius stated that " He who says he can and he who says he cant are both usually right"-Confucius. In this statement Confucius was trying to explain if you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything, but if you dont you wont accomplish a single thing in life.

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