Breaking Goodbye (Breaking Bad) | Teen Ink

Breaking Goodbye (Breaking Bad)

October 14, 2015
By makennagaerte20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
makennagaerte20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Breaking Bye (Breaking Bad)

Walter ran to his car his face turned bright red.
Ring, ring. His phone goes off. It’s Jesse.
“Get my picture huh?”
“Jesse don’t you do it.”
“Get here as quick as you can or I will light all your money up.”
“Don’t even think about hanging up, putting me on hold, anything! Or your money is gone got it?”
“I won’t just Jesse please!”
“Better hurry I’m burning 10k a minute starting now.”
Walter dashes cars against cars trying to make it to the desert.
“I’m trying! Jesse my cancers back. The money isn’t for me it’s for my family! You aren’t hurting me your hurting them!-“
“Oh you want to talk family huh.”
“Listen Jesse I’m sorry about Brock okay. He didn’t die! He’s perfectly fine like I said he would be. I gave him the right amount of dosage. Plus we needed to get rid of Gus. I needed you.”
Walter pulls up to the desert. Sweating and panicking he gets to where his money lays hidden.
“Jesse I didn’t hang up!”
Walter looks around there is no sight of the man that wears sweatpants, sneakers, and a shirt that has a black design on it.
Dialing numbers Walter calls a man he knows that could help with backup.
“Yes, hello, I need your help. I’m at the desert where we buried the money. I need you to help back me up. I found Jesse.”
“Okay, we’re on our way.”
Walter examines the scenery. He looks over and sees a dot coming his way. The dot moves closer and closer, he grasps that dot is a car. Inside that car is Jesse. Walter gasps. Not only Jesse is in there but his brother in law, Hank. Hank steps out. His face is much like a pit bull dog. They both have the set tone of madness on their faces.
“Hiya Walt!” Hank shouts.
“I’m sorry Walt, but it’s over.”
Leaning over Hank grabs his silver shinning pair of handcuffs. Walter looks over at Jesse. Jesse, his eyes are both in despair but very blissful that Walter H. White, the man he has been buddies, enemies, and everything else with is finally being stopped. Hank puts the handcuffed guilty man inside the dark greenish car. While Walter sits in the car he looks over and sees two cars coming their way. It’s the men.

After the blasts of weapons and the bodies tumbling to the sandy ground, Walter felt much sorrow. Months grew past and Walter still thought, If only he didn’t tell the men to come. What happened that afternoon 4 months ago was vile; the scandal between the western gang and the DEA had led to the most memorable tragedy of Walter’s life. The men had kidnapped Jesse and took him imprisoned in their territory. They would have shot them, but they decided to keep him around for share of their work. Hank on the other hand, had got shot. He had a bullet wound to the head, Walter and Jesse being forced to watch. Walter dreaded what happened, he couldn’t just leave it like that, he had to do something.

Walt needed to help Jesse escape those mad men keeping him captive, but how? Those men are the most dangerous men out there. With Saul vanished away finding a new life, not being every guilty man’s lawyer anymore, and everyone else against Walt, he had to do it himself.
The clock ticked and ticked. While pondering, he finally came to a somewhat decent idea. What if he brought up the money? If he offered the men money, it is assured they would be greedy enough to take it. He would go to their camp to hand them the money, and also another special surprise.

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