Revengers | Teen Ink


October 14, 2015
By Anonymous

One cold dark windy night at an F.O.R.C.E headquarters in California. Galan an evil villain trying to take over the whole entire galaxy broke in. He went in right after what he was looking for and trying to take the Tesseract. The 3rd out of the 4th thing he needed to be completely powerful.  As Galan made his way past the guards making it look easy as it could be with his powers and flipping the guards upside down with his fighting techniques. Galan finally found the room that the tesseract was in and his eyes on the prize. He had to fight to get to it though and the final guards were really hard especially with Falcon Eye on their side one of the seven Revengers that they had at F.O.R.C.E. Falcon Eye could fly like a falcon and he was very good with his bow n arrow what he would shoot if they ever got into war or a fight with an evil villain. He had incredible fighting techniques and he showed it against Galan but when he flew up to Galan, Galan stuck his wand up and the wand hit him. All of a sudden Falcon Eye turned bad and soon after that Galan turned everybody bad that he defeated in that building. So, Galan took the tesseract and left on the plane that he brought with a lot of room for extras on it. All Galan needed was one more item the septor, if he gets that he will be very powerful and almost impossible to beat.
All the other Revengers were at their house when this happened and they would hear about sometime here soon.  So when the main F.O.R.C.E headquarters heard about in New York City they took the septor and put it in a high locked guarded area in the highest part of their building.  As that was going on Brian the leader of the F.O.R.C.E Company was talking to American Captain about working to help stop Galan and create the Revengers. The Revengers is going to be seven superheroes and they were going to choose the best of the best. So, the next person the Revengers got was Steel. Steel was rich and lived in New York City and Los Angeles. He was completely made out of steel, he could fly, and he had secret weapons hidden everywhere in his suit which protected him very well. When he became a superhero he found a rock and it started glowing right when that started happening he was on a different planet, now that rock is a bracelet that he always has to wear to become a superhero. He has weapons like his hammer that only he can lift and the knives that come out of his hands when he clinches his fist. After got steel they went over to Pittsburgh where the SpiderHulk lived he used to be a doctor but then one day he had this potion that would have made him a superhero but then a very big black widow put some poison in it and he became big, could shoot webs out of his fingers, climb buildings, and best of all smash.  Next they got Mystique the only girl that would be on the team and she could be invisible and have a lot of speed at the same time. She could also fly with her incredible speed.  After that happened they recruited Superbatman who dresses like a bat and can fly like no other. He does most of his work at night but will do it during the day, and he also has his famous cape with the Superbatman logo on it. Then they had to go to Miami to get Thingo. Thingo is this huge lava rock and he is on fire when he is in that shape but he can transform back and forth to his rock life back to human life.  He is also very strong and can fight really well. They would also get Falcon Eye when they get him back to the good side and back to normal.  These superheroes American Captain, Steel, Spiderhulk, Mystique, Superbatman, Thingo, and Falcon Eye these are the Revengers.
So the Revengers all got in Steel plane that he owned and they went to the FORCE headquarters in New York City.  They were talking about how they were going to beat Galan and get all the things he took back to FORCE.  As they were talking about that they got hit by a bullet a tiny bullet but they decided to go and check on what was going on.  They were just crossing Indiana and they got hit by Galan.  They all got armed up except American Captain and jumped out of the plane. American Captain would drive the plane and try to hit whatever hit them. It turns out what hit them was a shot from Galan gun that he just pointed up in the air. When the other Revengers got to the ground they saw a campus and Galan and his troops. They were trying to decide how to attack; they agreed to sneak up on the campus and be very quiet and then boom out of nowhere attack. When they attacked they surprised Galan and everyone there even Falcon Eye who they were going to capture and try to turn him back to good. They captured Falcon Eye and brought him back to their plane which they hid deep in the forest, they had Falcon Eye sleeping with their sleeping spell too. Once they got back to the plane they put Falcon Eye in a lab to experience on with their doctor. 
When they got to the New York headquarters everyone was going crazy that they got Falcon Eye back.  Falcon Eye wasn’t his normal self yet though, they still had to do a bunch of experiments on him to see what turned him bad and then turn him back to good.  Once they did all the experimenting they finally found out that in Galan magic septor their was this microchip that made everything it touch for longer than 3 seconds the thing it touched turned bad.  So, they reversed the spell put a good microchip in an arrow and turned him back to good and it worked. They decided to save the arrow to change everybody else that Galan back to good too and maybe even try to turn Galan good himself.  Also they made more chips and more arrows so it would be easier to turn everybody good and so they don’t run all on one arrow that they would have to retrieve. Even though they are putting a magnetic force on the first one they created but that is the only one.
Galan decided he would try to destroy the Revengers since they kept on getting in his way and ruin his plan. He also was going to make an army out of tough robots that are really hard to defeat. His plan was going to work easily if the Revengers didn’t exist anymore, so he decided to go to New York to destroy them himself and use all the powers he had. When he got to New York everybody got scared and ran off the streets so he decided to disguise himself as one of the workers at the FORCE headquarters. He found one scanned the person and changed into him and made replica of the badge. Once he got all of that done he scanned the badge and got into the New York FORCE headquarters much easier then he got into the Los Angeles one but less fun. As he walked in he saw Spiderhulk lying there sleeping so he decided to use a sleeping spell on him which would last a day. Then all the other Revengers except Falcon Eye were in the experiment place. It was like a surprise attack back to the Revengers but Falcon Eye saw Galan right before he was going to kill all the other Revengers and shot him with an arrow. It was the arrow that turned him good but they locked Galan in a very sealed glass prison that even the strongest people couldn’t get out of and if you tried to you landed right out into the ocean.
The next day when they went to go check on Galan to see if he turned good or not. He was still saying nasty words and they figured maybe it only works on people that are actually good people and not turned into the bad guys.  So later that day as everyone was human and didn’t have their armor on or other body. They got attacked by Galan army and Galan escaped his prison somehow and all of the FORCE people including the revengers were surprised he got out.
Galan went up to the highest level of the building and saw the last thing he needed the ring of bad. While he was trying to grab the ring their was security on it and everything but he broke through and got the ring. He became very powerful and everybody from his planet was making their way there.  The revengers had to stop this so they all met up where Galan was and found him. They all attacked him at once. He fought off American Captain but then Steel and Spiderhulk took him down. Spiderhulk threw him around like a baseball for a while but then Steel was shooting at him with his bullets in his armor.  Then Thingo took him and burnt him and punched him a couple of times. Steel decided to slap his hammer against the ground too and that hurt him bad.  Finally, Falcon Eye shot him with the good arrow again which put him back to sleep even though he was so sore and couldn’t get up. They turned his whole army back to good that he turned bad and now it was even. Galan had his robots that he made attack them and the other creatures off of his planet attack them too. The Revengers worked together though and destroyed them all. Fighting them off one by one like it was nothing. Then something huge came and it took a while and they were all in trouble but Spiderhulk and Thingo broke through and destroyed the thing. Only two more came and they were all in on the fun destroying the big long things. Then they destroyed all that Galan had and went back up to check if he was conscious yet.  They decided to just stand their and wait but while they were doing that another wave of his army came in and they had to defeat them.  Once they defeated them they were going to try to find out how to shut off the portal. They saw the thing that set up the portal which had all four things that Galan took but they couldn’t figure out how to shut it off. When they saw Galan septor they decided that they would try that but steel told them to wait because a Nuclear weapon from FORCE that they didn’t want was coming and they were going to put it through the portal. Steel went up with the Nuclear weapon just like he was suppose too and fell down. They shut the portal down right when he came through the portal and the nuclear weapon hit the planet and everything went down anything that was alive of Galan’s that was left was dead.  Then Spiderhulk slowed down Steel from crashing and he was unconscious. Thingo and Spiderhulk woke him up with a loud roar.  Then they had to go kill Thingo and destroy him for once and for all. They beat Galan up with everyone they had then Falcon Eye destroyed him with his explosion and everybody jumped out of the building and Galan was dead. 
The next day all the Avengers met up and they all went back to where they lived and to their families. FORCE put all the things Galan stole and secured them even better than they did before. That was it the Revengers were going home and going to a peaceful life for now…

The author's comments:

I just wanted to write something similar to Avengers without copying it and want to give kids a thrill.

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