Minerva | Teen Ink


August 24, 2015
By anonymous3327 SILVER, Franklin, Virginia
anonymous3327 SILVER, Franklin, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People need stories in order to survive reality" ~ Shakespeare (from the anime Romeo and Juliet, anyway)


I am running, gasping, clutching my side, and just miserable.

"Minerva Thorn!"

My mother's voice calls for me- but she's not my mother. I don't know if she ever was. I keep running; my face and arms becoming marred with scratches from the branches and thorns I run through.

"Come back! It's not what you think! He has lied- that boy has told you lies! Come back and I can tell you the truth. I can protect you from the dangers of this world!"

Then why is your army chasing me? My tunic catches on a branch and it rips when I pull frantically away. The thunder of hooves on the forest floor grows louder and I am able to hear the gutteral commands of the soldiers. I won't make it, I won't-

My foot finds a large root and I am sent sprawling down a hill of mossy rocks and vines, grasping for stability. In my daze, I successfully reach a large pile of rocks and I cower in a hole beneath it. A few soldiers pause on the outcropping I triped over. They seem to regroup, then they move on. The relief is too much for my aching muscles, so I lay down, ready for sleep. One thing I do notice, though, is a huge gathering of butterflies on the outcropping above me. They seem to be watching around me for something...

The author's comments:

I'm not sure if her name was a good choice, but I went with it. Let me know if I should expand this to a book length. Thanks :-)

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 17 2015 at 9:07 am
ash_larkins BRONZE, Waxhaw, North Carolina
4 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The secret of becoming a writer is to write, write, and keep on writing." ~Ken MacLead

I think you have something good here. You just need to expand a little and complete the thought. Great though! Go check out my book The Reversal of time. It is the sequel to The Vision of Time also on teenink.