Water Bottle | Teen Ink

Water Bottle

February 27, 2015
By Navath Nhan BRONZE, Burien, Washington
Navath Nhan BRONZE, Burien, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Ugh, my hand is cool, wet, and slippery, Why did Max pee on me again? Ow, my head hurts! Why am I so sore?” The rotten and metallic smell hung in the hair. Servanté woke up and went to the bathroom and realized that his face and hand were covered, not in his dog’s pee, but red, crimson blood….REAL blood.


Servanté led a normal life working as social worker in the Union Gospel Mission. He loved serving other people and lived a simple self-sustained life. His dad had passed away 5 years ago and Servanté had lived independently since then. He was well known around his community for his extraordinary effort to give back to the community, from serving on the city council to eliminating the tent city while providing shelter for the homeless.

This week, he got a new assignment to work with homeless men in the suburban area. While he was taking survey to account for how many food he needed to bring. Servanté started to hear rumors about an old homeless man with long braided hair, who claimed to be the holy man with godly power. But Sam did not believe any of it. During the afternoon, the Sun was high in the sky, Servanté forgot to bring a water bottle and he got thirsty. “Servanté, drink, it should help” an unfamiliar voice called out from behind him. Confused, he turned around. He saw an old homeless man with long braided hair, who has a dog, handed him a water bottle. Servanté accepted the water gratefully but the old man walked away with a sinister grin on his face. Confused as he already was, Servanté did not question what had happened. The water tasted really strange but he was really thirsty. Within seconds, he felt like his body was floating just like he was high on drug.

He got a call one evening but the number looked familiar…it was from his dad. The voice on the phone sounded familiar but it was definitely not his dad. “Who was this?” he asked. No response. He heard a sweet whistling sound then the dog started to bark….


As Servanté looked at the blood on his face, he had no clue how it got there. His head throbbed badly and the last recollection was of the phone call from a stranger. Everything after that was just blank. “What happened to me?” As he washed his hands and face, a memory surfaced. He remembered that he had a vivid dream. He was walking into a bank with a pistol and demanding for money. The image was so fuzzy that he was pretty sure that it was just a dream. But was it?

He dried his clean hands and decided to watch the news while eating dinner.
Channel 5: Breaking News
“A recent robbery involving an armed man, highly dangerous. He is 5 foot 9 inches, wears grey khakis and an orange polo. No casualty. I found a witness who was in the bank.”
“Oh my god, the robbery happened so quickly. The robber staggered into the bank. There were something peculiar with his face, especially his eyes but he had a mask on so I could not tell exactly what.”
“If you have any tips, please report to the WCPD at 206-687-WANTED. This is May Weather Channel 5.”
Servanté looked down at himself that was the same outfit as he was wearing right now. His heart leapt! Suddenly, the dream, so he thought, floated back on what had happened.

The vivid dream happened during the day, and he did not know why but he had the urge to walk in the bank. His gut feeling told him that it was a good thing. Suddenly his instinct steered him to give money to the homeless man next to the bank. The old homeless man with a long braided hair gave him a brown paper bag. Inside it was a pistol and a mask. Servanté did not question it since he felt like this was just a dream, and he could do whatever he wanted. He was sure it was a dream because he felt like he was high on medication and his vision was foggy. With the possession of the gun, he felt like a completely new person. He put on the mask, unlocked the safety on the pistol and marched into the bank. It was like being in a game.
People froze in their tracks, no movement, at this point, you could even hear as the clock ticked each second. No one knew what to do when they saw the robber. They just stared and pointed. One whispered, “Did you see his eyes? They were all white.” Not a single person screamed or ran out of the bank, they just froze. He scanned them with his gun, and kept walking.
He walked to the counter and handed the cashier the bag. Without much hesitation, the banker filled his bag with money. No siren yet or any movement at all. Servanté walked out of the bank, suddenly his gut feeling made him throw the bag by the homeless man. And then he heard the police siren was getting louder. Servanté ran to his car and drove off.
As he rounded the corner, two cops car chased him like a speeding bullet. Changing his gear quickly, he floored his 2005 Lancer, the wheel spun and he got to 80 mph in a few seconds. Even in his dream, he knew the town well so he decided to take a right at the intersection and go through a small alley way instead of following the big road. As he did that, police shot around the corner and went past him without noticing. “Phew! That was close!” he thought. Adrenaline rushed, Servanté was still traveling at a high speed, suddenly a dog crossed the street. With slow reaction time, he hit the animal with full force that splattered his windshield with the blood and gore. Servanté in a daze pulled destroyed dog off his car. The smell of blood was nauseating but he managed to come home. The last thing he dreamt was crashing on the floor.
Setting down the towel, and turning into the kitchen. Servanté’s mind whirled. “That was just a dream, how could it happen in real life?” This dream was like no other since Servanté could feel everything and he remembered the details vividly. Now why did he do that?! What happened before?! Oh wait the phone call! What?!
Servanté could not tell if he had gone crazy but the thought of him becoming crazy would be ludacris. He looked at the caller I.D. the number that called him had a similar digit to his dad but not exactly as he had thought. So what had happened?!
Servanté thought about it for a while, going over in his mind on what had happened. He been to wonder if this had to do with that old homeless man on the street. What did he put in the drink? Why was he in the dream at all?! Suddenly, his phone ring, an unknown number. He hesitated to answer but decided to do it. The caller did not speak but Servanté heard noise in the back ground and a dog started to bark… 
Servanté is driving his normal routine to work on high way 7, suddenly his gut feeling made him steer into oncoming traffic. A truck is heading his way and he didn’t steer away. “This is just a dream, I’ll wake up soon” Servanté thought to himself as the truck approached.

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