Most Dangerous War | Teen Ink

Most Dangerous War

October 3, 2014
By pdizzle221 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
pdizzle221 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

John is driving a armour truck him and his team just got back from rescuing hostages.They went in there silent then Aaron a sneaky guy started to cough out loud.Then the enemy started to shoot and throw grenades.That battle took hours to end so john said just shoot and throw grenades back it worked because everyone followed his directions well everyone Byron and Aaron they just stood and watched while they were in cover.
                      Byron he was a good boy he followed all of johns orders but when Aaron appeared he started to listen to him.Everything Aaron told him to do he did,but every time John told him to do something he said no.So now him and Aaron are best friends.So after they saved the hostages they went back to base,but as they were going he saw Aaron going somewhere so he followed him he looked and saw Aaron talking to a russian soldier he heard the soldier say good job spy tell us where the hostages are and you can come back. Aaron said yes sir I will the soldier said did you get that little stupid boy to join you he said yes sir.
                   The russian soldier said i'm going to get that leader to leave when I do you get the boy to help you kill the rest on that team then you kill him.Aaron said ok i will so later that night before john could tell the rest of the team what happened he has to go on a rally mission everyone else had to stay this time so while he was gone Aaron told Byron its time to do it so they gathered there AR-15 and some mags and went out.Lamar was the first person they shot he was shot in the heart then Jasmine then Ariel then Kendrick but kendrick was shot in the chest but before they could finish him off. John pulled up and Kendrick told him what happened and John looked outside to see that one of the trucks were missing so he got his AR-15 and some mags and hopped into his truck after them.While he was going down the road he heard a gunshot he swerved and went that way.
                       When he pulled up he saw Byron laying there dead with a knife in his hand he had a gunshot to the head. He saw some blood spots he followed and saw Aaron told him what him and the russian soldier were talking about and where the soldier was going and that the soldier was going to kill the hostages before they gave him away to the military.So Aaron said before he left to take him out of the pain so John shot him in the heart.John pulled up to the boat where the hostages where placed then he saw the soldier with some weapons of his own so John grabbed his weapons.They had an intense gun battle John got shot in the leg and the soldier was shot in the stomach so the soldier tried to pull out a knife and stab John he hit him once in the stomach then john knocked the weapon out of his hand and grabbed it a stabbed him in  the heart.Just a few seconds after that john died of internal bleeding.

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