Lostt | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a nice sunny Saturday afternoon and me and my family went to the Cardinals game. I was so excited to go because i hadn't been to a baseball game in a long time. It was like my 4th game ever. I couldn't wait to get there.
I kept asking my mom “are we there yet” and “how much longer til we get there”. When we finally got there it was a long walk to the stadium. My mom was making me hold her hand so that i didn't wander off and get lost. I told my mom that I didn’t need to hold her hand and I would be fine without it. We got to the stadium and my mom had bought me a soda before we went in because we were waiting for my aunt before we went in. My aunt finally showed up and we went into the stadium.
When we walked into Busch Stadium I was kinda shy because there was a lot of people around me and I wasn't used to it. When I saw all the toys and stuff I got distracted really easily. I told my mom I wanted to get something and she kept telling me later… later. While my mom was in the restroom I thought it would be okay if I went over to the stand where they sold things. 10 minutes went by and I had no sign of my mom anywhere. I started to freak out and look frantically around for my mom.
I continued to look for her and look for her and she was nowhere to be found. I ran back to the place that sold stuff and told him I was lost and couldn't find my mom. The guy told me to calm down and asked me what my name was and asked where the last time I saw my mom was. I told him and he went to the girls bathroom and asked one of the girls to check and see if she was still in there. She wasnt. I started crying because i was lost in a huge place and the feeling of being lost is not good.
I remembered that i had my ticket in my pocket. I told the guy and he took me to the section that was on my ticket. I was hoping that when we got there, my mom would be sitting there waiting for me. When we got there she wasn't there. I started to cry more. As we were walking out to go to this office I saw my mom and the rest of my family and ran to them. My mom asked me if I was okay and told me never to do that again. I was so happy that I was with my mom again.
We went back to our seats and watched the game. I learned to never leave my moms side when we are in a crowded place cause something like that could happen again. In that moment I told my mom i loved her and it was scary being lost and I never wanted it to happen again.

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