The Journey for Answers | Teen Ink

The Journey for Answers

May 12, 2014
By Brian98 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Brian98 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time on a dark, hazy night there was a boy named Jualyer Grabridguez who was walking through a forest when all of a sudden he tripped and stumbled to the ground. But he didn’t trip on any ordinary object, he tripped on a magical scroll that was incased in metal tubing in which a riddle was held. Jualyer couldn’t figure out its purpose nor the riddles meaning. The riddle read," Beyond this point lies the truth of the past, but you must realize your destiny before you will know." Considering Jualyer didn’t understand he took the scroll home to his village in Diptheria. When he arrived he asked his friend Thomson to help decode the riddle and a strange old man overheard the conversation. The wise old man was very brief but gave a reasonable explanation for the riddle and told Jualyer and Thomson the he would oversee their journey. The old man told them," In order to see the truth of the blurry past of your childhood you must travel through treacherous obstacles and reach the Obelisk of Wisdom. " Jualyer had a childhood full of hardships. His mother died by an unknown sickness and his father went missing when he was only 6. He is now 17. The old man told Jualyer and Thomson to get some rest and that they should meet him at this location at the break of dawn. They obeyed the old man, went home and went to sleep. They did as told and returned the next day. When they arrived the old man was waiting with three horses with equipment and necessities packed and ready to go. From that moment on there was no turning back. Jualyer and Thomson climbed aboard the horses and set off into the dark, treacherous forest where no man has survived a day. After about a day of riding horseback through the forest they reached a house. It was not an ordinary house. It seemed to glow in the night and was unusually small. When they entered they noticed that it wasn’t a house at all. As they looked around all they could find were numerous prayer books lying on the floor. Also in the center of the singled roomed shack there was a painted black circle in the middle of the floor. The old man instructed them to sit in the center of the circle. They once again did as they were told and sat. The old man joined them at the circle. All of a sudden the started turning, smoke rose from the ground and then there was a large flash of light that caused Jualyer and Thomson to clench their eyes. When they opened them they were in a strange other world. The wise old man said almost instantly," there is no time to lose we must start our journey up the mountain side." About half way up the mountain they came to a cave. The old man gave Jualyer the choice to enter or not to enter. Of course he chose to enter. Not even five steps into the cave an enormous one eyed, fungi infected ogre cane flying out of the cave with a large tree trunk carved club in hand. Jualyer came running and screaming out of the dark cave, but the old man wouldn’t help. Eventually the old man reached into his backpack and pulled out a stick and threw it at Jualyer. He had no clue what to do with it and as the ferocious ogre was sprinting towards him, out of desperation, Jualyer closed his eyes and pointed the tip of the magical wand directly at the ogre and when he opened his eyes ogre body parts were raining from the sky. Once again the old man hurried the boys to continue on their journey. It felt like days before they reached the top of the snowcapped mountain but when they did, there was a huge stone with the final scroll that held the answer to the original scroll lying at the bottom of the large stone. Quickly Jualyer ran and grabbed the last scroll but the old man wouldn’t let him open it. Behind the stone was another circle like they have seen before and without hesitation Thomson and Jualyer sat because they knew their journey was over. Once again smoke rose, the ground turned, and flash… they were home. The old man said his final words to Jualyer and they were," When you reach your house, then you may open the final scroll." Jualyer thanked the old man for his help and ran all the way home and as he was sitting on his bed he opened the scroll and it said," I the old man wrote the riddle. It wasn’t an accident you found it either. I just wanted you to get a sense of why I couldn’t be there for you. These journeys that I must go on are much more dangerous than the one I had you experience. I just wanted to let you know the truth about what happened eleven years ago. I just wanted to say… I'm sorry - Your Father."

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece during a free write during my english class. My ideas flowed onto the paper. I hope people understand that putting trust into someone you don't know or you think you don't know isn't always a bad thing.

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