The Coffee Shop | Teen Ink

The Coffee Shop

April 17, 2014
By Anonymous

Setting May 22, 1959
Detective James and I were at the scene of the crime. We didn’t know what had happened. Well I should probably formally introduce my self; I’m Timmy your Narrator, I was one of the first people to the crime scene, along with detective James. Well back to the story, detective James showed up at the coffee shop where the crime had taken place, but when he looked there was nothing physically wrong with the place, everything was in its place just as it should have been. He was puzzled why anyone would have called the police, when it didn’t look like anything was wrong. So to investigate it further he wanted to speak to one of the workers at the coffee shop. Hello this is detective James can you tell us what was wrong, and why the police were called. Well I can tell you this much, when I came in this morning everything seemed to be fine, as you can see here. Both there is one small problem I couldn’t seem to find where the product was, and the Cash box was opened, which I can Assure you was never left open when I had left and locked up the store the Night before. Ok thank you mam for this crucial information, and can I get a name from you so we can have this conversation on File for the records. O yes right my name is Meredith, thanks for asking.

May 23, 1959

Ok well now we know that there was some stolen product from the store, and also some money which the Key witness has pointed out, Now lets go back to that store and see what else the detectives have found over there.
So detective James had spoken to one of the store workers, and got the whole back story, now we have just got information that our detective is now speaking to the store manager, as we speak. Lets go to them and see what he has to tell us. Hello this is detective James down at the police detective branch office and I was wondering if you could shed some light on the Subject of the whole missing product and money deal. Ok so I was opening up as usual right, so anyway I hadn’t noticed anything at first until on of my workers Meredith had informed me that there was some product missing from the display case, and the cash droor was opened up, which she would never leave open over night, so I was in a frantic mode because we are trying to run a business here, and there was no product left for us to even sell, so we had to close for the day. I see, all right so our business is loosing money fast and if this isn’t solved I was told that the owners would have to fire all of us because they say that we aren’t trusting, so whoever did this to us I want them put into jail where they belong. Well thank you Mister? O right, I’m sorry the name is Robert. Thanks for the information Robert; we will work on this right away.

May 24, 1959

Ok now we will go to the police station where the investigation will take place.

All right everyone today we will be going over the case of the missing Doughnuts stolen from the mojo is us coffee shop in down town New York. “Does anyone have anything new to add to the case?” Detective we have found that was finger prints on one of the display cases that linked the crime back to someone in this room.” (Desk moving, chair rattling crash, smack) Are you all right detective? O yes I am just fine. (Ok that was a close one). So you said the finger prints were linked to a detective in this room right? “Yes that is right detective” So do we have a clue that that person could be by chance? No currently at this time we have not found conclusive evidence to prove who did the crime.
May 25, 1959

So now we know that there was a detective linked to the crime, let’s go back to the coffee shop to see what they found out now.

Hello, this is detective James who am I speaking to here?
This is Robert and I am the store manager here, can I help you.
All right so I am here to tell you that we have found what we believe to be the suspect linked to the robbery you had. We believe it to be one of our detectives patrolling in your area. According to the witnesses the crime was done out of pure hungriness from our detective. Back at the station everyone was hard at work on their computers trying to put together the puzzle to see who the person was that committed the crime.

May 26, 1959

(Setting coffee shop)
Nighttime, raining. Detective breaks into the coffee shop and is careful not to leave prints this time; he doesn’t want to be caught this time. He took the doughnuts, and ran out the door.

May 27,1959

Timmy what are you doing down in the basement.
Nothing. You aren’t talking to your self are you honey.
No mom I was just playing my latest game where there is this bad Cop in a coffee shop, and. Ok honey that sounds cool and all but you are going to be late for school.
Ok Mom.

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