The White Tiger | Teen Ink

The White Tiger

March 18, 2014
By Anonymous

There I was, in some bushes peering out over the horizon, and my eyes were as great as an eagle’s. I was just crouching down, ready to sprint after my soon to be prey,and it not even knowing that I’m there, so vulnerable, so delicate. I stalk closer and closer until I run out of dead weeds to hide in, and then.............BAM! I sprint out of the weeds after the elk.

Well, thats not that important right now so I will explain to you my life story. When I was just a cub, my parents were captured and taken to an exotic animal keeper, so I grew up with my uncle. I never learned how to hunt on my own, my uncle did it for me.

When I was old enough, I set out to find my parents at night and it wasn’t long before I started to get hungry. It was reaching morning when I found a big watering hole. I bedded down for a nap after snacking on a dead smelly animal corpse. I was goin to need some energy for my big hunt tomorrow.

The next day, I got a drink the left early, I was figuring out my game plan for my hunt when I smelled something, I didn’t know what it was but my instincts told me to follow the smell. I followed the smell until I came to a huge clearing, There it was, an elk, it was huge. I immediately crouched in the weeds to hide. I caught my breath and got closer and closer then I sprint out after the elk. It was an amazing feeling. I felt like I could run a thousands miles an hour. The elk ran, but I ran faster.
He zigzagged but I kept on running. I was getting closer and closer until all I had to was dive and I did. It was an easy takedown. He tumbled to the ground, spun and broke his leg. I was flung off and landed away from the elk. He tried to get up but couldn’t. I went over to him and my instincts told me to finish him. I sank my teeth into his neck, he died painfully. It wasn’t long before I realized how out of breath I was. I was as hungry as a giant that hadn’t eaten in days. I tore the meat off piece by piece and ate it. It was delicious. After a meal I’m usually tired so I bedded down and took a nap. When I woke, I heard a low rumbling noise in the distance, then it stopped. I heard a crack like thunder and a sharp pain exploded in my side. I bolted for the weeds and for some reason my vision was going black. I lost momentum and randomly fell over and went back to sleep.

When I woke a second time, I was rumbling along in a crate made of wood with a small window that was barred. We stopped at a place with a fresh spring scent. I heard animals in distress, I saw cages in the distance along with my parents! I could tell it was them, I was so happy I broke the cage easily and sprinted away from the people and knocked over a few too. I ran up to the cage and hit it then, Bam!. Another crack and exploding pain in my hip. This time instead of falling asleep I instantly froze and fell over. I was totally paralyzed except for my eyes. I was looking at my mom and dad and they were trying to break the cage to get to me. I saw the animal keeper run up to them, inside the cage! I thought wow he’s pretty brave for a little guy like him, easy takedown. My mom jumped on him and he smacked his head off of a pole, out cold, (as in cold I mean dead). They rushed over to me and tried to get me to get up, but I was still paralyzed. They sat there and protected me. Finally I felt movement coming back to me altogether. I stood up and my parents and I took off into the woods, leaving the people behind, far, far behind.

Well there’s my story, I hope you were interested enough to stay awake or not leave. My parents and I, well, you could say we lived happily ever af.......... Crack!.......Ow!

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