Officer Kraine | Teen Ink

Officer Kraine

November 8, 2013
By FictionsFreedom BRONZE, Paris, Illinois
FictionsFreedom BRONZE, Paris, Illinois
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Carpe Diem

I am, Officer Kraine of the MPD, the last hour has been a living nightmare, I had to chase down a 417 which is a breaking and entering call, i got assaulted, and lost my job all in an hour this is what happend. 1 hour earlier. " 417 in progress at 669 lucifer ave." said dispatch over the radio, I picked up my c.b. and said " I'm on it" i flicked on my lights, and siren, and speeded toward the house. When i got on the scene i drew my tazer and when i saw the robber i shot the tazer and it stuck in his chest and I pulled the trigger and sent a million volts suring into his chest and while he was on the ground i cuffed him, the robbers accomplice hit me in the face and knocked me out when i awoke, i was face down in a cornfield, whe i got back to the station i noticed the two robers were dressed in police uniforms, they were cops, i got fired for letting th bad guys getway and for assualting a fellow officer. That is how my day went from good to bad.

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