The Evader | Teen Ink

The Evader

July 3, 2013
By Anonymous

You don’t know the meaning of torture until you have been to my country. Here, death is a blessing. If you die everything is simple, but if you break one rule or show any signs of disrespect, you go to a torture containment unit. Every town has at least one. Your form of torture and the length of time you are kept depends on the law you brake. There is no easy punishment.

The government rarely ever kills a person immediately. They take away everything that matters to you, and uses it as a weapon. They break you down until there is nothing left of you. Until you have lost the will to live. When you finally give up, they finish you off. Although there is an exception, there are some people that have been known to feel no physical pain. Every once in a while one of these people turn up. The President sees them as a threat. So, naturally they are killed on the spot. In our society these people are called evaders because they evade the pain of the tortures.

I am one of them. I should be dead, and my family has suffered for it. All that is left of my family is my mom. The rest of my family is dead. “CRASH!” Someone is in the house. I thought. “Emily!” I heard my mother cry. “Mom!?” I replied panicked. I ran down the stairs to see two men in gray suits holding my mom back. She looked…….different. She had a crazed look in her eyes, and a dangerous smile on her face. “See! I told you she would come! I told you!” My mom said sounding proud of herself. “ That doesn’t excuse you of your crimes.” The taller man growled. “What?!” She screeched. “But! But we had a deal! You promised if I get her to come here, you let me go!” “We can’t let you go, we have specific orders for you and your daughter.” The men said in unison. Both of them grabbed one of my mom’s hands and dragged her out. “You wicked girl!” She screamed. “You ruined my life! I took care of you! I fed you! I gave you a home! How could you do this to me?!” Tears began to trail down my cheek. “Why would you say that?” I said through sobs. “YOU’RE A MISTAKE!” She yelled. “How could anyone ever love you? You killed our family! My family!” And with that she was thrown into a truck.

“Now it’s your turn!” The man on the left seemed close to laughter. Both men whipped out handguns before I had time to think. They pulled the trigger with an echoing boom. I saw blood trickle down my hand from a small circular bullet hole, but it didn’t hurt. This seemed to catch the men off guard. I took this as my opportunity to escape. I bolted through the door just in time to hear a bullet whistle past my right ear. “She’s an evader!” I heard them yell behind me, but I just kept running. I tool one last look at my house knowing I would probably never see it again.

I couldn’t help remembering what my mom had said. I had never seen her like that before. It was the most horrifying thing I had ever seen. Tears stung my eyes. She doesn’t love me. I thought. She never did. I could hear faint screams as I passed the torture containment unit. I couldn’t even think of what my mother’s fate would be.

Every once in a while I stopped to get a drink. The bleeding in my hand seemed to have stopped. Then a thought hit me. I’m an enemy of my entire country. I have nowhere to run. I was interrupted by the sound of my stomach growling. I decided that I could risk going to my favorite restaurant. I used to come her with my dad when I was five. It made me feel a little better eating there. It reminded me of all the good memories I had here.

After I finished eating I purchased a bottle of water. It could be useful if I can’t find any other water source. I ran until I could run no more. I collapsed on the ground and passed out. When I woke up I got to work on making a permanent hide out. As I was building I saw a helicopter with a searchlight. By the time I realized what it was, it was too late, it had seen me. I did the only thing I could, run. I sprinted into a field of overgrown grass, but the light was directly on me I saw a dart leave through the opening, and hit me in the shoulder. I felt myself begin to fade out until I was enveloped I darkness.

I woke up in a white room. The sudden brightness made me close my eyes until they adjusted. “Oh, I see you finally are awake.”I looked over to see the cruel, scarred face of our president. “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t make it.”His eyes seemed to flicker with sadistic pleasure. “Don’t worry about me” I growled. “I’m not afraid of you or any of your sick little servants!” “Calm down. I was just trying to have a civilized conversation.” He replied. “Ha. If you’re civilized, then I must be a saint.” I said. “I know what you are, and I don’t plan on you leaving this world without me hurting you in some way. I have to get some fun out of this.” He said in a cold tone. “Bring her out!” His smile made me very nervous, as if something very entertaining was about to happen. Then I saw it.

It was my mother. Dead. She looked like she had been skinned alive. The president cackled. “You see. Even the invincible can be defeated!” I couldn’t speak. There were no words for what I saw before me now. I quickly recovered from the shock, and it was replaced with anger, anger that no human should ever feel. I broke free of my restraints, ready to kill.
I lunged for the nearest guard, and twisted his neck. It broke with a satisfying snap! I was unstoppable I punched, kicked, flipped, and killed every guard in sight. No one could touch me. Finally, it was just me and the president. I surveyed the scene to see what damage I had inflicted. About fifty guards lay dead at my feet. I looked at myself, and there wasn’t even a scratch on me. “You know, I have been waiting for this for a long time. It’s revenge for killing my father and brother.” I sounded bloodthirsty and cold. “I....I can help you with whatever you need. A house? Food?” The president’s pleaded. “Just please! Don’t hurt me!” “ I wish I could, but you have hurt too many people. I have to avenge them, and bring justice to our country.” I was beginning to become scared by how horrible I sounded. I charged at the president. “NO!!!” He cried.
That was the last word that left his mouth as I pushed him through the window, but he grabbed my shoe. I fell out the window with him. I was plummeting to the earth at an alarming speed. I reached out and grabbed the window ledge. We were still a good two hundred feet in the air. “Get off me!” I yelled. “If I go you go with me!” The president replied. I kicked as hard as I could, but he wouldn’t let go. Once again I let go of the ledge, but this time I did a series of front flips each time he hit the brick wall hard. The ground was quickly approaching, but I felt his grip loosen and I grabbed a ledge again. I watched as he fell to the ground unconscious, and I winced when he hit the ground with a splat.
I climbed back inside to see the frightened faces of his workers. I ran to my house and locked the door. After a very long day I fell asleep, crying. I awoke to the sound of screaming people, but as I listened closer I found that it was more of a chant. Confused I opened the window to see a crowd of about two- thousand people. They were screaming something. They sounded happy. Then I heard it. “Emily the Evader! Conqueror of evil! Evader of death! Our new leader! You have freed us! We are in your debt!” I couldn’t help but think this was how it was supposed to end. In a way, it was a happily ever after, for most people. I would start a new country, of peace and freedom. I would never let power go to my head. I knew from that moment on, things were going to be very different.

The author's comments:
This is My friend's work, exactly as it was sent to me. I have the friend's permission to publish their work. I will take no action with it unless I have the author's permission.

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