Zombies in love (part3) | Teen Ink

Zombies in love (part3)

June 17, 2013
By Ajee.Thompson BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Ajee.Thompson BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love all my haters

Penny and devon were trapped on the spaceship with Arielle . They tried to call for help but there were no nice people there.There was no way out . Meanwhile back at the prom it was almost over and people were leaving to go to the hotel to stay the night.

Denise kept calling and calling to see where Devon and Penny where. This girl Roxy was so scared of Arielle because she was a demon .Roxy always had to take her drugs and food to Arielle she thought one day when she was taking her drugs that she would beat her until she was dead ,but she was dramatic . Roxy was best friends with Penny until back then one day roxy was dating Penny boyfriend then penny walked in. Then it beca a huge fight.

Roxy had to go down stair to go give the food to the capture people. She was scared because she didn't know who it was and she thinks that they will hurt her. Roxy walked down stair to deliver the food. She looked in the sail it was devon and her EX best friend Penny. “ Hi ,Penny it’s me Roxy ,how are you doing “. They just looked at each other in eye and didn’t say a word.

Roxy walked out the room , with nothing else to say. “ Who was that girl”said Devon .“We were friends and this boy I was dating he cheated on me with her and me know she wants to be my friend .

That night penny could not sleep because she kept having flashbacks about that night. Also Devon could not sleep because he wanted to ask out penny to be his girlfriend. That morning some loud music was playing and woke penny and Devon up . They jumped up looking everywhere.In the sail there was some colthes in this bag and smoe food on a tray foe them.

They washed up and got dressed.They waited in the sail into something will happen. They heard someone coming ,so they stood up . They looked and it just was Roxy. Roxy opened up the sail,she put handcuff on them. they went he walked down the hall they went into this room will Penny dad was.

Meanwhile back in Zombieville the Denise was walking her zombie dog down the street and she saw the bus driver and she asked him “Have you seen Devon?” The bus driver responded by saying “Yes. I took him to a planet called Arielle Planet. It is big and red.” Denise ran to her house and told her mom she was leaving and ran back to the bus driver. Denise pulled out her phone and called Jeremy and Princeton and said meet them at Chili’s. The bus driver started the bus. Denise hopped in the bus and they drove to Chili’s. She saw Jeremy and Princeton sitting on the curb eating cheeseburgers with bacon on it and the delicious chocolate cake. They hopped in the bus and went into space. They went to this big red planet, but it wasn’t Arielle. There were these weird aliens with their heads in the wrong places. They went back into space and went to this other planet that looked like Arielle. There were big, fat, ugly goblins! “ Why the f*** are you here” said the goblin with a mean attitude.

They were close to Arielle, but they didn’t know which one it was. There were eight more planets until Arielle. Denise and the boys were so hungry from travelling this one planet, that they decided to leave and they ended up on a mysterious green planet. Devon and Penny were bored, so they just looked at each other and the wall. Roxy came to get Penny and Devon to take them to this festival.

The bus driver took Denise and the boys to the last planet in space. He parked the bus in front of this weird skyscraper. They walked into the skyscraper and everyone was looking at them. Jeremy pressed the elevator button. The elevator came down and took them up to the top floor. The elevator doors opened, and there was this huge festival on the top floor. They walked to the festival and there were people strapped in restraining chairs.

It looked like if it was Penny and Devon sitting there . Jeremy and Princeton got spreaded and Denise went to go see who that was. Next thing you know there favorite song came on Bugatti by Ace hood. Everyone in the room was jumping up and down ,while everyone was jumping up and down Denise was making her way up the stage and when she got there she looked and it was Devon and Penny. “ Yo you guy it’s me Denise, i am hear to save you”.

The festival was over and the bodyguards took Penny and Devon to some room. Denise flood them to that room. Roxy took them to go change then eat and also go back to their sails .When they were done eating and doing everything else ,Denise ran to their sils and somehow unlocked the sail and then they escape .Penny and Denise ran to the to go find Jeremy and Princeton saw they can go back home .They went to this room where girls were and they opened the door they were in the hot tub with these girls.They jumped out the hot tub . Princeton ran and got their clothes .

To be continued.........

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