Cocomelon | Teen Ink


June 6, 2024
By avaanderson22 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
avaanderson22 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“CLUNK! BANG! CRASH!” The kids were abysmally loud. Screams echoed through the home like a symphony, except here the drums were children banging on the walls and the symbols were the sounds of anything within their reach crashing down. I chased after the kids picking up as much as I could. 

“HEY! What if we play a game?” I asked, trying to disguise the fear in my voice. 

“NOOO!” they screamed. 

“What if we go outside?” I asked again, less sure than before. 

“NOOO!” they screamed once again, as they began to lose their patience. 

Finally exasperated, hands on my knees, I begged, “What if we watch a show?”

Silence. I stood there for a second or two in silence, sweet silence. 

Then suddenly, they screeched “COCOMELON”. 

Relieved, I dashed over to the TV and fumbled with the remote, terrified that one wrong move would set them off again. 

Finally I switched the TV on and fell on my knees in amazement as they were instantly calm. What is this witchcraft in cocomelon that caused these demons to be completely enthralled? I had to know, so I began to watch with them. 

“Well this is dumb” I thought to myself, but just as soon I found myself repeating “cocomelon” in a low monotone voice in unison with the children. I tried to stand up, to look away, to close my eyes, but it was too late. The siren song of cocomelon continued to hypnotize me and the children, all of my efforts to free myself were in vain. I found myself drifting away from consciousness as the songs grew louder. The last thing I remembered was the start of “wheels on the bus” before I lost control of my body…

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