Through the Wardrobe | Teen Ink

Through the Wardrobe

May 17, 2023
By jahnavirastogi BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
jahnavirastogi BRONZE, Princeton, New Jersey
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“Aaaggghhh, someone`s falling out of the Wardrobe!” screams my younger sister, Lucy. Wait, sorry, I forgot my manners! Mum always told me to introduce myself before saying things. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Susan Pevensie, and that screaming child was my younger sister, Lucy Pevensie. She is seven years old and is just getting accustomed to moving away from Mum. I have two other siblings, both boys. Peter, who is twelve years old, the oldest and Edmund, who is nine years old, the middle. I am eleven years old. We were evacuated from London when the World War air raids started. Right now, we are in an old professor`s house. His name is Professor Digory Kirke. He is a really kind man, and he lets us do whatever we want.

“Susan! Where are you? We need your help!” yells Edmund. “Someone just fell out of the wardrobe!” “I'm coming!” I yell back. Surely enough, there is someone falling out of the wardrobe! “Where is Peter, Lucy?” I ask. “I don't know! I think he is in his room reading. Right Edmund?” “Yes, he is still in his room reading.” Edmund replies. “Okay, can you go get him?” I ask him kindly. “Sure.”

While he skedaddled, I talked to this creature who fell out of the wardrobe. Poor thing must have been really scared after all our screaming. Let me tell you what she looked like. She was wearing a yellow shirt, green pants, and weird purple shoes.

“Can you speak English?” I ask the creature bravely. There was no answer.

“Hi. Can you speak English?” I asked again.

“What?” she asked. “Where am I?”

“What's your name? Where are you from?” I rapidly asked her.

“My name is Lucy, and this is my sister, Susan.” Lucy told her.

“My name is Lillian Harrison - Lee and I`m from ‘The City That Never Sleeps’ aka New York City.” She told us, “I also have a younger sister, who can be very annoying sometimes, but where am I ?” She asked.

“You are in Finchley, that is in England.”

“Finchley? Isn't that city from the 1900`s?” She questioned.

“Um, we are in the 1900’s. Its 1942 right now.”

“Ok! I'm back! With Peter!” Edmund told us.

“Great!” I yelled back.

When Edmund and Peter finally arrived at the wardrobe, Lucy smilingly introduced them to Lillian. “This is Lillian Harrison - Lee. She is from ‘The City that Never Sleeps’. Right Lillian?” “Yup! That's me. Pleasure to meet you, Peter, and Edmund.” “New York City is in the United States of America, right? They are the people helping us in the war.” Peter told her.

“What war and how did I travel into 1942?” She asked us.

“We do not know. All we know is that you fell out of a wardrobe, and the professor heard you fall out and I hear him coming up the stairs right now.” Edmund alerted all of us.

 “He is right!” Lucy exclaimed. “We have to run! Professor Kirke is coming up the stairs!” We ran into Lucy's bedroom, shut the door, and locked it.

“Wow, that was a close one.” Lillian panted. “As I was saying, how did I time - travel to 1942? Are we in World War 2? I time traveled to a time before I was even born!” Lillian thought aloud.

“You time traveled? When were you born? I was born in 1935.” Lucy told her. “I was born in 2010.” She answered.

 “2010! '' Edmund exclaimed. “That is in sixty - eight years!”

He was right! Wow, I never knew there was such a thing as time traveling! Or that it was even real!

“Really? Wow you're right!” Lillian almost yelled.

“Shhhhh!” We all told her.

“How did you arrive here?” I asked Lillian.

 “I don't really know. I was hiding in the attic because my sister and I were playing hide - and - seek. I found a closet and I thought it would be the best hiding spot. So, I walked to the really far end of the closet and then I fell out, here!” Lillian explained to us.

“Really?” Edmund wondered out loud, “Can we visit New York in… whatever year it is in New York?”

 “Ed!” Peter scolded Edmund. “We don’t even know if we can travel there and if it's really possible.”

 “Yes, you guys can visit! It's the year 2023 in New York.” Lillian declared.

So, we left. One by one, we zipped out of the room, past the Professor's office to right in front of the wardrobe. We all piled into the wardrobe in a huge heap, afraid of the Professor coming out and scolding us. All of us were so excited about the new adventure, which led to much merriment abound. Quickly, we all stood up, brushed dust off of us, and hurried farther back into the wardrobe. We ran for at least ten minutes. Then we turned a sharp corner and kept running for another couple of minutes. Suddenly we all fell out into a dark, dank, musty smelling place. I heard scurrying, probably of rats. There was a tiny crack in the ceiling, so some light showed. I made out a pole nearby, so I picked it up and brandished it as a sword. Wherever we were it was dark and cold. I was shivering and so were Peter, Lucy, and Edmund. There was water under our feet. It smelled as if someone was making bread but that the dough had gone sour. It also smelled like someone had peed everywhere.

“Huh, I thought we took the right turn….” Lillian murmured to herself. All of a sudden, we heard loud clanging and bells ringing, it sounded as if we were in a train station! We were! I only learned that later though. “Move to the side guys, a train is coming!” Lillian shouted over the noise. As fast as we could, we felt around for a ledge that we could wait on. I quickly found one but it was tiny, so we had to squeeze to get on. Within seconds of climbing on the ledge, a long, gray, super-fast train sped by us, ten times faster than any of the trains back at home! I hope my grandkids take this! On it was written the number 2. So, we were near the number 2 train, I suppose. “Where are we?” I whispered to Lillian. “We are in The World Trade Center subway station. We have to take the 2 train.” She answered. How did we arrive at the train station?

We walked for a while. Finally, we arrived at the station, where there was a lot of commotion, so no one noticed us climbing up from the tracks. Just then I read a huge banner that read “Happy New Year! 2024!”. I asked Lillian about it, and she told us that she forgot to tell us, but it was New Years Eve. “So, what are we going to do? I think we can take the train, right?” Edmund proposed. So, yes, we did. I guess because it was New Years Eve, no one noticed us getting on the train without a ticket. I was waiting and waiting for the ticket collector to make an appearance and scold us about not having a ticket but still let us proceed. Still, it was a really luxurious train. I questioned Lillian about that, and she remarked, with a strange look on her face, that nobody does that anymore. “So, people can just jump on the train without a ticket?” I asked. “No, not usually. Unless you are like us, climbing up from the train tracks.” Lillian told us. Peter asked, “Where are we going?” Lillian responded that we were going to the best place to witness New Years Eve in New York City.

“We are going to Times Square!” She announced after we were on the train for a little while. Lillian told us that we could see the ball drop and the epic countdown. “A ball drops for New Years Eve?” I questioned her. Suddenly, she beckoned us off the train, all the while telling us about the ball drop. Within minutes we were in Times Square! It smelled repulsive! Oh, but then I smelled hot dogs and pretzels! It was so dark out and so I couldn't really see much. What I did see was a big countdown timer and a huge ball. So that was the ball that Lillian was talking about. They had already started the countdown, so we joined along. “Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!” We all shouted. Instantly we were back in the wardrobe, and we heard the Professor walking towards us. Briskly, we opened the door to head out before the Professor approached. But he was there so we all tumbled into a giant heap on the floor. “What was all the ruckus about?” He asked. Grinning, Peter told him “You wouldn't believe us if we told you sir.” “Try me.” He grinned.


The author's comments:

Jahnavi is a rising eighth grade student and enjoys baking, pottery and sewing. This is her creative writing take on 'Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.'

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