Goliath The Armored Truck | Teen Ink

Goliath The Armored Truck

April 28, 2023
By Anonymous

Goliath The Armored Truck

Once upon a time, there was a powerful armored truck named Goliath. Goliath was a large transport vehicle feared by robbers and trusted by banks to transport valuable goods. One day Goliath was assigned a mission by a bank, to transport a precious diamond worth 500 million dollars, it was said to be the rarest gemstone in the world, and it was Goliath’s responsibility to make sure it arrived safely. As Goliath drove down the street, he noticed a small sparkle on the side of the road, Goliath had never seen this before and was very fascinated by it, suddenly Goliath heard a loud noise coming from behind. Goliath turned to see a gang of bank robbers in a car speeding towards him determined to steal the precious gemstone. Goliath tried to speed up but they were closing in fast. Just as he was about to be caught, he had an idea he remembered the sparkler he had seen earlier, So he had one choice to cause sparks. So Goliath quickly turned towards the robbers coming straight for him and retracted his 50 Caliber machine guns from his fenders and unleashed chaos on the robbers leaving the robbers and their vehicle in shreds. As Goliath drove away the robbers vehicle burst into flames and when he thought it was all over an enormous tank turned the corner aiming straight for Goliath, He had never seen a tank before but he understood the danger in front of him, So he started firing his machine guns at the tank, and it didn't even put a scratch on the tank, this is when goliath knew he screwed up. The tank fires a shell the loud bang scaring Goliath, the shell landed about 5 feet from Goliath and shot shrapnel and debris all over him. Goliath continued to shoot at the tank andu noticed something some of the shrapnel was getting caught in the tank’s tracks and was causing it to stop, and Goliath got an idea. He started to shoot at the tank’s tracks and it was doing the trick that's for sure, The tank started moving slower and slower and was still shooting shells at Goliath, Finally the tank was brought to a halt and Goliath was able to get away and continue his mission to the bank. Goliath was very shaken after but it reminded him to always keep an eye out for the unexpected. When Goliath arrived at his destination,  He handed the gemstone over to the bank’s manager, who was greatly impressed by Goliaths Bravery. So from that day on Goliath was known as an Armored Truck with a heart and ingenuity. Years passed, Goliath became old and rusty He was finally retired and put in a museum. People from all over the world came to see Goliath and he became a legend that would be remembered forever.

The author's comments:

I think its okay

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