Legend Lost to the sea | Teen Ink

Legend Lost to the sea

February 2, 2023
By ODaceO BRONZE, Willits, California
ODaceO BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Legend Lost To The Sea

 “Hey Kale, that was the easiest shipwreck mission we've done,” I said. 

“Yeah, good thing this is the mission your sister missed out on, usually she's a big help on locating the enemy, but there wasn't one,” Kale replies with relief. 

“I guess we're off the hook, if you know what I'm saying,” Beluga declares. I'm not surprised that Beluga is making jokes right now; he is the comedian in our team. 

“You're so dumb Beluga,” Kale states.

 “All I care about is getting paid,” says Spencer. All Spencer ever wants is his pay, but he is the most valuable member. Without his skills we probably would be dead right now. Also, if I didn't mention, Kale has been my best friend ever since we were fishlings. 

“We’re almost to the Atlantis capitol,” I say. 

“And we got some good treasure this time,” Kale shouts. 

I wonder if my sister's teaching is going well today. Yesterday she said some kids were fighting during their swim lessons. I hope those kids grow up strong so they can help our kingdom. “Hey you guys look quite happy,” says the Queen. 

“Well we had a good find, and didn't even run into any trouble,” Beluga states. 

“This is very good, but before I pay you I need a favor. Your team has done very well recently, so I need you to go past the rocks and find new shipwrecks,” says the Queen. 

“What past the rocks!” Beluga shouts with fear. “But only the best of the best teams go past the rocks, not people of our rank.”

“You will be paid handsomely,” says the Queen. 

“Okay we will do it,” Spencer replies. 

This is dangerous but we might get promoted up a few ranks. The pay will probably make us rich as well. We definitely have to do this, I just hope we come back alive. 

“Okay I will have to let my sister know about this, but I have a question. Will we be promoted?”  I say. 

“Yes of course., The reason that I want more teams past the rocks is because I want to work on expanding our kingdom, so I need all threats to be eliminated and more resources,” the Queen states. 

“ We understand, and we will provide the best services for you,” I respond. 

We leave the capitol and go back to my coral chateau to discuss the situation with my sister. We have to be more prepared than we ever have been before. 

“Hey guys, why do you all look worried?” Della asks. 

“The Queen wants us to go past the rocks tomorrow,” Kale replies. 

“This doesn't sound like a good idea guys!” says Beluga quietly.

“It's fine, Beluga. The chances of us running into a Megalodon are so slim, and we will be rich when we get back,” Della states. 

“Yeah we can take one on anyway with Spencer on our team,” Kale blurts. 

“Yeah, no problem,” Spencer whispers while he stares down at his tail.

Everyone goes home for the night. I can tell Beluga is worried about this but we will be perfectly fine. Just thinking about seeing a Megalodon scares me, and I know his grandfather got lost at sea and he thinks it was a Megalodon so I can see why he feels this way.

“Good night, Ezra,” Della says. 

“Yeah, good night,” I reply

I woke up and ate breakfast quickly with my sister before we headed out to meet up with the group. I wonder what we might see out there. What if we find the Golden Sand Beach? It is just a legend though.  We all meet up where we usually do right before we head out for a mission.

“Hey, Beluga, are you still scared?” Kale blurts as he chuckles.

“Haha, of course not. I'm never scared,” Beluga replies.

“Yeah right!” says Spencer.

“Okay that's enough. Let's go guys,” Della chides.

As we crossed the rocks we all shared an adrenaline filling sense of adventure, rather than the sinking fear we should have had. 

“Oh no, I'm so scared!” Beluga shouts sarcastically.

“I thought you'd actually be the one to be scared,” Della says with a suspicious look on her face and one eyebrow raised. 

We travel for a while, surprised that we haven't seen a single threat. We start to think what if there's nothing even out here, no shipwrecks, no apparent dangers. 

“Hey do you see that? It looks like it might be a wreck!” I yell. We get closer and it turns out to be a really big shipwreck.

“Looks like we got it easy. There's no dragon guarding this cave,” Beluga chuckles.

“SH SH SH SH! What was that?” Spencer says with fear in his eyes. 

“Um hey, where is Beluga?” Della asks. 

“Is that a hand floating over there?” Kale points out.

“Megalodon!” Della screams and turns towards the shipwreck swimming as fast as she possibly could. We all rush towards the boat and find an entrance. The beast of the depths is swimming right towards us but we make it into the ship before it reaches us. We all hide in one of the rooms in the ship. We sat there quietly not saying a word. Is it even possible to get out of this situation?

“We need a plan to kill it, or we will die here!” Spencer declares. 

“What do you mean a plan, that's impossible,” Della says, trembling in fear. Then we start to hear wood crunching and splitting. Then for a split second I see it, the Megalodon crashes through the wall and swallows my sister whole. My sister just died, right in front of me. The blood is all my sisters. I couldn't save her, I failed to protect my own sister. How, how could I let this happen.  

“Noooo! Della, we have to save her please we need to,” I say as my eyes begin to tear  up. 

“Hey, stay calm, Ezra. We need to stay calm or we won't survive either,” Spencer says.

Ok ok I need to relax, maybe we can kill it and open its stomach up.

“Get your weapons ready,” Kale says. 

“HERE IT COMES!” Spencer screams.

It crashes through the wall and I stab it with my spear, but that's not enough and it begins to swish around very aggressively. Kale shoots it with his poison spear gun, it will take a long time to kick into a monster this big.

“Good job, it's going to come back soon so reload,” I state. 

“Got it,” Kale replies.

The monster it's coming back. I hear it crashing through walls again. It comes through the room taking one of Kale's arms off, but it seems slower than last time.

“I'm going to bleed out, this wound is too big,” Kale groans.

“No you're going to survive, I can’t lose my best friend too,” I cry out as he groans. All our flashbacks as fishlings go through my head. I know he's going to die but I don't want that to happen. All the people I love in my life are dying. We hear it coming again so we wait for a minute, preparing for another attack. After a second I notice something is wrong, I don't hear Kale anymore. As if reading my thoughts Spencer speaks.

“He's gone, Ezra. It's just me and you.” 

“No, this can't be happening. Not to us,” I respond, believing that I won't make it out alive.

“Here in the plan, Ezra. When we see it I will lead it towards me and stab it in the head and that's when you come from below and stab the heart if you can,” Spencer states.

“But wont you get bit?” I ask. 

“No, I'm quick, I'll be fine,” Spencer responds with a grin. He's never lied to me before so there's no reason I shouldn't trust him. 

“Okay, get ready, here he comes,” Spencer says.  The monster bursts through and goes straight towards Spencer, latching its teeth around his waist, but Spencer still stabs the beast right through the head. That's when I swim as fast as I can and with all my strength I shove my spear right through the Megalodon's  heart. As I see the monster stop moving and slowly begin to sink down I rush to see if Spencer survived but all I see is the upper half of his body. He's already dead and it's my fault I shouldn’t have agreed to his plan.

I need to leave, I have no clue which direction my home is, so I take a guess and head off into a random direction. I swim for a while not recognizing anything, it's all just murky water. Finally realization kicks in, I'm not going to make it home. This is it, I'm stuck out here.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this article, was my teacher, she assigned a fictional essay mid term and this was the first thing to pop into my head. I hope readers get enjoyment from my story.

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