Peace of Mind | Teen Ink

Peace of Mind

December 15, 2022
By Anonymous

If I had to do it all over again, I would not have chosen this path. Then again, im not sure I ever had a choice. These were my thoughts as I raced away from the scene with blood on my hands. Jane Reinhart, I read on her school ID that was about 30ft away from the scene. I was already regretting getting myself into this situation. Didn’t know taking the wrong bus and being curious would get me here.


Im Ronald Jr or as they call me Rj for short, a sophomore majoring in business at KSU. I live in the dorms on campus with my friend Jamie. We played basketball together, playing COD together, always went on night walks together you know typical 19 year old stuff. There was thing one girl in our class I had always my eyes on, Ariana Taylor. She’s smart, athletic, and funny basically my dream girl. Then there’s Jamie he was always going for Ariana’s friend Jane, in my opinion a little 2 man wouldn’t hurt. 


“Get into groups of 4 and finish this project by next Friday, Thank you have a good weekend student’s.” Professor John said. Me and Jamie obviously went into groups with Ariana and Jane. “Hey ladies, me and Rj couldn’t help but see that you girl’s needed some help from guy’s like us” Jamie said. Gosh what is he doing could he not have just asked normally like a NORMAL person. “Sure why not, let’s meet at the café down by me and Jane’s dorms at 5:30 pm” Ariana suggested.”Yeah that’s great.” I said. Wow this is kinda surprising, didn’t think his dumbass would’ve pulled this off. 

The author's comments:

Hi my name is Seriah and this is a unfinished piece

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