The Schoolyard | Teen Ink

The Schoolyard

December 14, 2022
By JMFleet BRONZE, Red Oak, Texas
JMFleet BRONZE, Red Oak, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

           My name is Stone. I was 8-years-old when I attended Cave Man Elementary School in 13,548 B.C. and witnessed a schoolyard fight. It was a normal day and Mrs. Applegate had dismissed us for recess and we were all in the schoolyard enjoying the beautiful spring day.

           Suddenly, a T-Rex dinosaur leaped out of the surrounding bushes. Kids began screaming and scrambling for cover behind rocks, under bushes and some managed to run back into the school. Mrs. Applegate began screaming and waving her arms at the dinosaur trying to get its’ attention away from the students. She grabbed her ruby encrusted spear and hurled it at the T-Rex as she yelled, “Go away!”. The spear sailed high and struck the T-Rex in his right eye. The T-Rex roared in pain! Us students were frightened and fearful we may die today.

           The T-Rex stumbled toward Mrs. Applegate. She grabbed a club and began to beat the T-Rex’s feet, cracking and breaking some of the bones in its’ feet. It falls at Mrs. Applegate’s feet, still alive but in great pain. Suddenly, a meteor falls from the sky crushing and killing the dinosaur. The smell of burning dinosaur flesh burned our nostrils and stung our eyes. With the help of a freak meteorite striking the dinosaur, Mrs. Applegate was our hero!

           A few days after the trauma of this event, the community came together to honor Mrs. Applegate. We began calling her “The Dinosaur Slayer”! If you are ever in a schoolyard fight with a bully, just remember the bravery of Mrs. Applegate facing a dinosaur. No bully could be scarier than that.

The author's comments:

This was an assignment for a creative writing class in which we were supposed to write about a schoolyard fight.

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