NYC Subway | Teen Ink

NYC Subway

December 1, 2022
By gmzeh700 BRONZE, Phx, Arizona
gmzeh700 BRONZE, Phx, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The baseball game just finished, you're ready to leave. You head towards the 

subway station and arrive at the stairs before descending. The descending of the 

stairs start. It's cold, with a breeze. It smells absolutely atrocious and 

smell burning rubber and drugs. You look up and see a 

man throwing a tantrum for no apparent reason. Next 

to him, a lady sitting on a cardboard box. BO fills the air and your lungs, as you walk 

by 3 people who probably 

haven't showered in days.  The train next to yours comes to a screeching stop.

You now wait on the platform. Everywhere you look 

you seem to see cigarettes and trash. A man offers 

fruit in the middle of the platform but you decline. Every 

The railing you touch has gum on it. The smell of 

marijuna is so bad, you can almost taste it. But hey, it's 

only 2 bucks a month right?

Your train arrives coming to a screeching halt. But even 

after all that waiting, you look into the train and sure 

enough, it's completely packed. The doors open and 

not one person gets off. Now, you are forced to stand and 

now squished in with the crowd. Now your body 

touches 3 other people, you can barely get a hand on a 

railing. There are pregnant ladies and newborn moms 

nursing children. Nurses coming from a 12 hour shift. 

There are drunks and druggies, people sleeping and of 

of course, people with pets. The train reeked of BO and 

weed. It was very hot because of all the bodies. The urge to get to get off is great but 

now it's too late, the train has 

i have already started moving. 

A long trip awaits you now. The claustrophobia 

is eating you up inside. Two men started yelling at each 

other on the other side of the train. Your head swings over to see what is happening 

and one is wearing a yankees jersey

and one is wearing a red sox. Out of absolutely 

nowhere, one swings at the other and all of sudden it 

looks like the royal rumble. You think to yourself, “this 

can't be happening”, but sure enough yes, yes it is. 

The train tilts a little as 3 other passengers lunge at the 

2 idiots to break it up. They get it under control as the 

the train stops swaying. The train still smells like a drug 

store and a garbage can. We hit the 6th stop since I 

have gotten on the train and a load of people scrunch


off the train clearing up what felt like a whole mansion 

space of room. I push a few people and finally get 

down to one of the few seats that opened. 

I am now finally sitting. The girl in the row in front of me 

is staring at her phone, bawling heavily. No one really 

talks to each other, so no one tries to help her. I 

remember I have some water, so I reach into my bag 

and grab it. I am so happy as it is insanely hot and 

humid on the train. The cool soothing liquid running in 

and down my throat is like a dream. I put it in my bag 

and once more think about when I will be able to get 

off. A man, who looks insanely angry, stands up in front 

of me. I lean back a little, not sure what to expect. He 

is foaming at the mouth and walks to the end of the 

train. He starts screaming and snarling at the air. He 

looks around the train. He slams his hands on the 

doors. While the train is moving, he opens the doors 

hat connect one train to the next, and steps out onto 

the little passageway that connects them also. The 

train hits a sharp turn and the man outside is swung to 

one side, only being saved by a rope, keeping him 

from certain death. He opens the next set of doors and 

walks into the train. The lump in your stomach grows, having no idea what just 


You scoot all the way to the end of the train. There are 

still a lot of people in the train and you're about 3

minutes away from getting off. This is never happening again, you think to yourself. 

The smell of marijuana fills the air, You can almost taste 

the horrid smell. Sleepiness almost took over and you almost drift into a 

sleep as the train comes to a screeching stop. The stop is called and you jump up 

and you're ready to go. You hustle for the steps to 

ascend to freedom. You get a whiff of fresh air and sprint to freedom.

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