My Trip | Teen Ink

My Trip

September 30, 2022
By ajrogers15 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
ajrogers15 BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A hot summer day at the edge of the Bahamas Island. Sitting by the pool while the sky turns into a hot pink color. Three young boys caught my attention. I look to my right as the water from the pool splashing my face. As I make my way back to my hotel room something catches my eye. A beautiful gold necklace. As I snag it heading back to my room. Room has a faint smell of scrambled eggs. I sit on the porch outside my room looking over the Atlantic ocean.The gold necklace reflecting the sun's sunlight. As I leave the room in a zigzag direction I hear a huge “BOOM”! An F.B.I agent slams the door down running in my room. He yells “Wo ist die Halskette?!”. I try to make out what he says as he keeps rambling in german. He looks down at my hand and sees the necklace he has been looking for. He reaches out and grabs it and runs out the door. I chase after him hoping to get the necklace back. I look at my red Nike air force creasing as I run up the stairs. He makes his way to the roof and hops on a beautiful violet dragon. I stand in amazement as he flies off on a dragon. He yells on top of his lungs “MY TWO MILLION NOW!”. “Dope” I say while I walk away in disappointment. As I make my way down the stairs Kevin Hart and Pharell Williams turn the corner. They catch my eye as I go up to them talking about how there was just a dragon on the roof. Door slams shut behind me as my grandma walks in saying “go to church”. I directed my attention back to them as they invited me to hangout for the rest of the day. We go back to their room as I walk in and the song catches my attention. “Everything will be good by the weekend”. The first sight I make is a huge shark tank sitting in the living room. We sit and chill for the rest of the day playing mario kart.

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