The treasure of Death | Teen Ink

The treasure of Death

September 23, 2022
By Anonymous

    In an island back in 1897 their where 2 brothers name Ace and Zack. They are going towards it to find treasure. While they are sailing across the island someone else is in reach of the island. A person named Blitz is also in search of treasure but has no intention have sharing it with no one.

  As Ace and Zack arrive Ace starts taking charge while Zack is a  good camper with great knowledge doesn’t feel like doing anything yet, but they start going in towards the island. As they keep going through the island Ace starts getting materials and builds stone knifes and other important tools. While in the other side Blitz arrives angry because he saw another boat in the coast knowing he’s not the only one here. With a heart of black he has a selfish ambition and doesn’t like sharing things and he only wants the tressure for himself, and he says he will take them out so only he gets the tressure.


  Ace is a smart person who knows how to lead and make equipment because he’s been in a lot of DIY programs. While his brother Zack has military experience and knows how to stay calm an any scary situation. While Blitz is a hunter and is experienced with taking out animals and people out with ease.


   While Ace goes out searching for the treasure, but it’s surprised to see that their another ship here because no one really knows about this island. So, he’s going back to the camp site to tell his brother about this. But he doesn’t know that Blitz was watching him and now he knows there also after the treasure. So, he starts plotting on a way a to kill them. Ace returns to the camp after gathering materials and Zack built the tents already.


  Ace informs his brother that their another ship here and tells him to be careful. Afterwards He starts to build but little does he know Blitz is right their about to strike at Ace. Blitz goes towards Ace ready to kill him Ace not seeing him almost gets impaled. But Zack sees it in time and gets Infront of Ace taking the fatal blow. Ace sees his brother impaled by a spear but with no time to waste Zack’s last words tells him to run. With one glare at Blitz Ace makes a run for it with tears in eyes he keeps tripping on everything.


   After Ace made it to the ship he wan enraged at Blitz for killing his brother and why he did it. But instead of fleeing the island Ace wanted revenge on Blitz for killing his brother. So, he started thinking on a way to do so. While thinking he went to go get materials to make a weapon. But on his way back he stumbled into a cave and saw tons of gold. Ace realizing, he found the treasure he gets an idea on how to lure Blitz.


  Blitz after killing Zack he took everything of value and returned to his ship. Once he wakes up he starts to go search for Ace. After setting up everything Ace starts to walk back to the cave but stumbles across the campsite and sees his brother dead body. He picks it up and gives him a proper burial. After that he builds a spear and is ready to kill Blitz. He then yells as loud has he can hoping he hears it. Blitz hears it and speeds off towards it.



  He arrives where he thinks he heard it and see the cave. Blitz starting to walk in there, but Ace gets enraged bad and forgets about the plan and tries to kill him. Blitz last seconds sees it coming doges a fatal blow but still gets cut. So, both start clashing with each other trying to kill one another. Blitz quickly impales him in the arm and tries to go for the kill. Ace ducks in time almost getting speared in the face. He then impales him in the rib. But Blitz quickly hits him with the back of the spear knocking him back. Ace knowing, he cant beat him he remembers the plan and he starts to run into the cave and blitz goes after him just to see a rock thrown at his face.


 Blitz madly goes into the cave after getting up. Once he makes it in, he is stunned. Seeing the treasure, he came he for he gets happy. Then he sees Aces head behind a rock. So, he quickly goes towards him and impales him killing him. Or so he thought because while he was laughing thinking he killed him Ace runs up and impales him through his heart killing Blitz. Ace finally at ease knowing he avenged his brother.


  He then took all the treasure and set sail. Looking at the sky he smiles knowing he’s going make to their dream come true. Saying that their dream finally came to life. With the treasure he got he’s going to go live an easy life just as Ace and Zack wanted too.

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