Crash Dummy Shi* | Teen Ink

Crash Dummy Shi*

September 15, 2022
By Anonymous

There are many reasons to trust your gut/instinct. Things can end very badly. In today's story, I'm going to explain about how Tia had a bad feeling one day, and things went south pretty fast and bad. 

To begin with, Tia lives with her boyfriend Jack. Their lives are kind of crazy, but they make it through. So one night Jack and Tia were having a conversation. A conversation about making money. Tia had a job, and Jack sold drugs, their jobs were very antithesis from each other. Jack still understands the consequence that comes with having this type of “job”. Tia is always worried though, because she loves him very much. In there conversation, he explained to her that he has to get back on his shi* and make money. He's been home for a long while with Tia, so money was looking low. Tia expected what he had to say.

The next day comes, and Tia wakes up to loud banging on the door, as if someone tried breaking in. She freaks out and wakes up her boyfriend. He grabs the gun and starts looking around the house to see who it is. As he's looking around, Tia randomly hears banging from their bedroom window, where she was. She shouts for Jack to come, just to realize it was one of Jack's friends trying to hang out. The friends said they came to pick up the couple. But the couple was confused because they didn't have a car. The couple start getting ready anyways. The friends and Jack were talking about making money that day, and Tia remembered about the conversation the night before. So, she let him go out with his friends and make some money. Tia has a really bad feeling about the whole thing. But she wanted to respect and understand where he came from. She instead went with him though because of this bad feeling she had, not wanting either of them to go.

Although Tia had a bad feeling, she still went with her boyfriend. When everyone leaves outside to get in the car, the couple realized that it was a stolen vehicle they picked us up in. Now all four are driving around making money. The youngest friend is driving because he bought the stolen vehicle. The oldest friend was in the passenger set, and the couple was in the back. As they drive around, they turn into a neighborhood. Next to the neighborhood there's a corner store,  and coming out was a cop. They all tried staying calm and tried turning hoping the officer wouldn't follow them. But he did, as soon as the sirens went off the friend in the passenger seat pushed on the driver's leg to go fast because he was scared not knowing what to do. This started a car chase now. They keep driving, driving out of the neighborhood almost hitting multiple cars and houses. They eventually drive out of the neighborhood and onto Jupiter Farms Road. On the main road they hit a little poll but are able to keep driving then hit another bigger pool head on. 

Now, there's probably three to six cops surrounding them. The two friends in the front quickly jump out and run off. The couple in the back, Tia, and Jack didn't resist, they stayed and got arrested. The officer that arrested the couple was saying they might be able to go home. The couple in the back of the cop car now talking with one another calming each other down. Good thing either of them weren't hurt too badly from the accident. Meanwhile, the friends that ran off got caught. The oldest one almost got tazed but he caught it and threw it on the floor. Though two also got arrested. The cops were checking the car they just wrecked and found bags of drugs. Now Tia and Jack can't go home because no one claimed their bag how they said they would if they got caught. Only Jack did. Now everyone is getting locked up for possession of something. 

Whenever they were being driven to the jail center, Tia and the driver of the stolen vehicles were on one side of the building, and Jack and his other friend were on the other side. Finally, the paramedics showed up how they'd been asking. Tia was fine but the driver messed up his arm pretty badly. Although the paramedics checked on them, they did not check up on Jack and his other friend. That same night The driver was the first to get sent home. Then Tia after almost 12 hours. Jack and his other friend got sent to a bigger facility for 2 weeks to a month.

In the end, Tia went to live with her mom again, which hasn't seen or spoken to in almost half a year. Sense then Tia has grown to be very aulcnumais. Her boyfriend Jack went home after two weeks in jail. Jack stopped talking with the crash dummys, and started ascending doing better. Tia has ever since always trusted her instincts and jack as well.

The author's comments:

I am a teen in Texas.

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