2 Worlds | Teen Ink

2 Worlds

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

It's 1 pm on a Tuesday in MicroEarth. Elizabeth is tossing and turning in bed. She glances at the time on her nightstand and realizes how late it is to still be in bed. Danny walks into the room. “Do you want some coffee liz?” He says. ``No I'm okay, thank you.” Elizabeth says as she's struggling to catch her breath. Danny stands still and realizes Elizabeth is trying to get her medication. She finds out it’s empty. “Elizabeth, isn't that your heart medication? Why are you in need of it?” He questions. “My chest feels very heavy like it’s getting crushed by a house.” Elizabeth says. “But you haven’t had heart problems in seven years.” Danny says in confusion. “ I know, but my gut is telling me to take it but im out.” Elizabeth said. Danny says “ Call the doctor so he can prescribe you more medication.” Elizabeth is starting to get irritated that danny is not wanting to understand. “Its not that easy Danny is only available on earth.” Elizabeth says. “I can make a trip to earth to get the medication you are in need of. “ Danny says. “Please do, I really feel like the pain is getting worse minute by minute.” Elizabeth says. 

Danny walks out of the room to the kitchen. Elizabeth scuffles herself out of the bed. She heads to the restroom that's connected to their bedroom. BANG. “Elizabeth?” Danny shouts in an alarmed tone. He runs to the bedroom to find she isn't there. “Where are you?” He said. Danny runs to the restroom to find she is unconscious. His first instinct is to attempt CPR, but she was breathing. When he realizes he grabs some water and tries to wake her back up. She slowly begins to open her eyes. “What happened? Why am I on the floor? She says in a soft voice. “I don’t know, but I got so frightened. I was in the kitchen. I heard a loud bang like an explosion happening in our house.” Danny says. Elizabeth tried to get off the floor, but she was weak. We need to get you some soup. Your stomach is empty and may be a factor to why you’re weak.” Danny said. “No, I need my medication.” She said in a demanding tone. “I understand, I can try to catch the next plane ride to Earth.” Danny said. 

Danny carries Elizabeth to the couch in the living room. She makes herself snug in between the blankets. Danny walks back to the bedroom to get his macbook then heads back to the couch. He is still recovering from the feeling of when he saw Elizabeth on the floor. He opens his macbook, logs in and goes into the website you schedule your flight on. “There is an available flight for tonight at 8 pm.” He says. “That's such a long time from now what if i get worse?” Elizabeth says. “That's the only time they are offering. Meanwhile I'll go buy you some soup, your favorite snacks and some movies to keep us entertained until I have to leave.” Danny says. “Thank you so much.” Elizabeth says. She starts to cough a lot. 

Danny leaves his house to go to the store. He walks in and grabs all the things he needs and heads to pay. He goes back to his car. Then he returns back home. When he walks into the home all he hears is loud coughing. Danny feels the same feeling he felt when he found Elizabeth on the floor. He runs to Elizabeth. “I'm fine, I was just struggling to breath while asleep so I woke up coughing. I am trying to pretend like it is nothing but the pain is unbearable.” she says. They get cozy on the couch and watch movies. Elizabeth eats her soup. Two hours later, it's 6 pm. They are still on the couch.
Crap! I have to start getting ready when the plane leaves in two hours.” he says. “Okay then go get ready im gonna stay on the couch and finish the movie.” She says. Thirty Minutes later, it's 6:30 pm. “Okay I'm going to order an UrberFlight to avoid traffic

below.” He says. He walks to Elizabeth to tell her goodbye. Leans over and gives her a kiss on the forehead. “Goodbye! Safe travels Dan.” Elizabeth says. 

His UberFlight is outside. He gets in. They head to the EarthFlight headquarters. It was 7:15 pm, and Danny had arrived ready to go. “Plane 336 you have 20 minutes to board the plane. I repeat for 20 minutes.” The intercom shouts awfully loud. Twenty minutes, and Danny had to board the plane. “Jeez, it feels like he was screaming that in my ears. He heads to board the flight. He shows his ticket to the employee, and boards the plane.” Plane 336 ready for take off.” Yet again the intercom says loud. And there the plane goes into space. The flight is 2 hours. To kill time Danny reads his book, naps, and wakes up to the loud intercom saying they landed. Danny checks the time it's 10 pm. “Shoot! The stores are going to close. I’m going to have to get a hotel.” Danny says. As he is leaving the EarthFlight headquarters to the hotel he calls Elizabeth. “Hey I've landed, but I have to go to the stores tomorrow.” He says.”Dang! I feel like I got worse. I’m going to go to sleep for the day because I hate feeling this way. Call me in the morning when you wake up,” She says. “Okay goodnight get well.” Danny says. He arrives at the hotel, checks in and heads to bed. 

Its 10 am, on Wednesday Danny has missed 3 calls from Elizabeth. He finally wakes up on the last call. “Hello?” He says. “What the heck Danny! I’m dying over here please hurry with the medication.” She says frustrated. “Okay okay, going right now bye.” He says. He hangs up the phone. He longs into EarthFlight to get his flight back to MicroEarth, but oddly the site is down. He thought maybe just a glitch, so he closed it and left to get the medication. 

As he is walking to the store he runs into an old friend. Zack. “Hey! Danny its Zack, remember me? Zack says in excitement. “Zack! I do remember you man. How’s life been going for you?” Danny says. “Good, had the day off because the site I work on is down.” Zack says. “Oh really what do you work for?” Danny says. “ I work for EarthFlight man.” Zack said. Danny starts to connect the dots.” No wonder why the site isn't working. I need to get back to my girlfriend.” Danny says. “Dang that sucks man.” Zack says. “There's only one flight left at 3 pm, but it isn't guaranteed to be a safe trip.” Zack says. “I may risk it.Elizabeth really needs the medication.” Danny said. “Okay man, nice seeing you! Be safe on that plane.” Zack said. Danny is starting to feel overwhelmed. He heads to the store. He searches for the medication. “Found it!” He says to himself. Grabs it and goes to check. He pays and leaves. 

It’s 2:15 pm. He is heading to the airports to try to and catch the plane. All of the sudden, he feels this gut feeling that he shouldn’t board the plane if it isn’t safe. But Elizabeth needs him. He decided to stay back and call Elizabeth. “Hello.” She says. 

“Hey we got a huge problem…Transportation is down there's only one plane, but it isn't guaranteed to make it safely.” Danny says.”Crap! I really need that medication Danny. I don’t think I can do this any longer. I’ll try to make it one more day. Please try to make the next plane.” She says. They hang up.

It’s 3:15 pm. Danny gets an alert.”Plane 256 has exploded! No surviving passengers. Please pray” The phone says. “Oh my gosh that could’ve been me” He says under his breath. Meanwhile, Elizabeth continues to get worse, and has to call 911.”I can’t breathe please send help.” She says. “Help is on the way ma'am.” The dispatcher says. They arrive. She gets transported to the hospital.


Danny is pacing because he doesn't know what to do. He calls Zack. “Hey please i need to get back home. Is there any way I can safely?” Danny asked in panic. “Yes, I could fly you on my private jet. I’ll be there in ten.” Zack said. They hang up. Ten minutes go by and Zack arrives. They board the jet and leave. The jet is too loud to communicate to one another so it's completely silent. They arrive at MicroEarth. “Thank you zack. I owe you one buddy.” Danny says in relief. “No problem brother, hope your wife gets better.” Zack says. Danny rushes home.

 He walks into the apartment to find Elizabeth not there. He goes to the kitchen to find a note. “Hospital” was written on the note. Danny grabs his keys and rushes to the hospital. He finds Elizabeth. Walks in her room. Reaches in his pocket, and grabs the medication. Elizabeth was almost on her last breath when Danny realized he forgot the medication.

The author's comments:

I recently watched a show similar called the 100, but they didn't have two worlds. They are on a space ship. They show was so interesting so i based my story on something similar to it.

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