Camp Rock | Teen Ink

Camp Rock

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

It was Ivry’s last day of school and she knew what that meant. Her first day of camp she      

was thrilled to finally go to camp for the first time. The camp Ivry was going to was Camp Wars. 

Camp Wars was a very competitive camp, but Ivry was ready for any competition. 

                Finally the dismissal bell had rung “I’m home” Ivry said to her mom.   “Welcome 

home” her mom said. “I’m going to pack for camp” she said very happily. Ivry stayed up all 

night excited like a child with candy. She packed up all her essentials and double checked to 

make sure she had everything so she wouldn’t forget anything.

        Eventually she fell asleep but woke up to the loud buzzing of her alarm clock. She got up and got ready and waited for the bus. When the bus arrived she decided to sit next to this boy “Hi I’m Ivry”, she said nicely, the boy didn’t pay any attention to her and ignored. Ivry wasn’t bothered by it because she knew other kids at camp would be nice. The bus approached the camp after two hours of driving. As she got off she was amazed by what seemed like a never ending forest. She heard the Instructor assigning kids to camps. There were two camps Camp Red and Blue Ivry was assigned to blue. As she walked to the blue side of the camp she noticed the boy whos name was Tobi walking to camp red.

          “Welcome to Camp Rock” the counselor said boringly. “You will be participating in three rounds against the opposite team.” The counselor finished reading the instructions and gave the kids time to greet each other. “Hi, my name is Ivry,” she said kindly. “Hi we are Milo, Steve and Bella, you must be new to the camp. We have been on the blue team every year together.” Steve said. 

  “This is my first year of camp,” Ivry said. As Ivry said, the first round was about to begin.

``In this round your team will be participating in a game called “Make the Shoot” you will throw this bag into the hoop and the team with the most shots wins” the counselor said. 

“Who’s good at throwing”? Ivry asked. “I am,” Milo said. “Okay you should be the one who makes the shots while me,Steve, and Bella throw it to you. “I’m good with that,” Bella said.

    “I’ll make all the shots,” Tobi said. “But won’t it be better if we work as a team” Billie said. 

“No you’ll just mess me up” Tobi said rudely. His teammates stared at him annoyed by his cocky personality. “Fine but if you lose it’s your fault” Mila said. 

    As the game started the blue team started passing the bags to Milo while he threw them in the hoop he made most of his shots. On the other hand everyone in the red team besides Tobi stood still while Tobi was shooting the bags very badly, hardly making any of the shots. At the end of the game the blue team had more shots. 

     “It’s your fault we lost,” Becca said while the blue team celebrated their victory.  Tobi didn’t bother arguing back because he knew he shouldn’t have been overconfident in his skills. The second game was about to begin. “ The second round is called “Hide and Find” you and your team will be given a list of items and you will try to find them. These items are scattered around the camp,” the instructor said. ‘I know a way we can win faster, Mila said. “How” Tobi said rudely, thinking his teammates weren’t gonna be of any help. “I saw the counselor with the map of the items. We can take it and find the items faster and we can also scatter any clues the blue team has” Mila said confidently. “That’s a good idea but isn’t that cheating?” Becca asked. “Well, do you have a better idea?” Billie asked. “No, let's stop dawdling and get it,” Tobi said austerly he was very autonomous; he did not like depending on people.         

  The second round finally started and team red snuck into the counselors cabin and took the map. They found all the items and scattered all the hints for the blue team so they could take longer. 

“Red team won,” the instructor stated. “That was confusing, all of our clues made no sense”, Ivry said, annoyed. “I know the red team cheated. I saw them in the counselors cabin and they took a map. They must have scattered our clues.” Milo said. “Should we tell the instructor?” Steve said. “No, they can't cheat their way out of the next round; it's about teamwork and hard work.” Ivry said. 

     “ The last and final round is beginning you and your teammates will be trying to steal the flag from the opposing team,” the instructor said. “Let's make a plan together each of us have to do something different so we can win,” Ivry said. “I’ll defend the flag”, Steve said. “Okay me Milo and Bella will steal the flag”, Ivry said. Like the first round the red team didn’t make a plan beforehand so they were all confused on what to do. 

In the end the blue team won and the red team were frustrated with themselves. “Congratulations”, Tobi said. “Thanks”, Ivry said.  Tobi realized that Ivry’s hard work is what helped her to win.

The author's comments:

This story is about a competitive camp with two protagonists that are the opposite of eachother.

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