Z | Teen Ink


September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

10 seconds is how long it took for one of us to turn into one of them. Their eyes were white as paper and foggy as clouds. Their skin was pale like their blood had been taken and drained out of them.  The screeching they made as that of a demon who has been tortured for years and is finally releasing its screams.

20 minutes before the initial accident, I was walking out of my apartment complex to meet up with my friend Clain. We had met up and started to walk towards the central of New York City to get something to eat, but screams of terror and a explosion echoed through the city. We stood there thinking there had been a terrorist attack but we were farr from the truth. We looked back. and saw something we would have thought would never happen, a person had been tackled and had his arm yanked  to the bone by bites. He stood there on the floor twitching for 10 seconds then got up, his eyes turned white and foggy, he looked around and attacked the nearest person.

We had started running but it was impossible to get through the city because most of the people had started to run away, so we used the alley ways As soon as we turned the corner, Clain was attacked and pinned to the ground. I grabbed a plank of wood and started to hit the zombie on the head until he let go.

We managed to get to the edge of the city, where a line of policemen were shooting but the sheer numbers of zombies kept multiplying causing the police men to fall and start following the people evacuating. 

Most of the civilians who were able to escape the city started heading to military bases, as told by the government, as soon as people got there they were evacuated by plane. Clain was one of the first to be evacuated. I was getting  ready to board the next plane when sirens started ringing, I urgently ran outside to see the problem. Thousands of zombies had started to sprint to the military base.Thousands of shots had been fired but the horde kept coming without stopping. 

Civilians were loaded into trucks and started to leave. As I was leaving, all I could feel was fear. All I could hear were gunshots going off in the distance.

It has been 2 months since that has happened and most of the world has fallen and our numbers have started to dwindle causing civilians to start getting drafted. I have been set to a team to gain more information about them and their origin by studying patient 0. Patient  0 was located in a facility deep inside a forest within China’s borders. When I arrived at the facility, I could tell the place was heavily fortified with walls being several inches thick.

As soon as our squadron entered all we could smell was the rotten flesh which had been decaying for months. We were split into 2 teams of 5 to cover as much space as possible. After 3 minutes, screaming and gunshots were heard, waking up all of the ones in the floor, we have seen more than 3 dozen running to their position, we waited a bit and started to run towards their location to help, when we were attacked, I was forced into the ground, using the barrel of the gun I was able to stop him from biting me but the smell of his breath had almost made me  senseless. I managed to take him off of me and kill him. When we arrived to help the other team they had all been killed and turned. Half of the building had been cleared before we found a trace of patient 0. When we found him he was locked behind several glass panels. We had found files within the same room named “Outbreak”, this file was talking about a man-made virus that turned people into the dead that was going to be used against the U.S. within the same file there was a vaccine to make people invincible to them. It didn't specify in how it worked but the only thing it said afterwards was “ Humanity’s Last Hope”

As  we were leaving and entering the helicopter. A zombie fell into the sinkhole, after it got up thousands started to pour in. The helicopter started to try and leave hundreds have started to grab onto the railing of the helicopter making it going down. 2 of our men had fallen making the horde change their target. As we left we could hear the screaming, we were all consumed by guilt but there was nothing we could do. The U.S. started to mass produce the vaccine and distribute it to everyone, People have started to have more hope than they originally had, they started to fight back, organizations started to form, countries started to regain control of their land. I have reunited with Clain to go on a mission. We` were going to clear a military base so we could have a location, after 30 minutes we have finally clear out the space, as we were leaving we saw something, something worse than a normal zombie, it had mutated into a giant one. The fight had just began.

The author's comments:

My name is Kevin Rodriguez and I like to play games 

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