Double-edged sword | Teen Ink

Double-edged sword

September 12, 2022
By danghaitran1235 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
danghaitran1235 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Los Angeles at the end of May, when seniors in highschools and colleges complete their programs and graduate. Mason Double-edged sword, a senior students at the University of Southern California ( USC) is a gentle and quiet young man, but he very smart and has IQ like Albert Einstein, his academic record is very respectable, he has completed the industrial engineer program and supply chain manage program in USC in less than 3 year.His best friend Danny is quite the opposite. Danny is a senior in the USC accounting department. He's lively, talks a lot and has a lot of friends. He is also quite sly. He has eyes like eagles, but he is handsome. They call him USC Leonardo DiCaprio, but his academic record is just at a medium level because Mason often helps him with his homework and explains it to him. Both have strengths and weaknesses that offset each other.
As a final year student and preparing to prepare for graduation, Mason applied for internships in companies such as Amazon, Fedex, UPS,... And after the interview round, Amazon accepted him as an intern. Amazon is a company which has a large e-commerce platform operator with the largest packaging chain. In Amazon, they have to employ hundreds of thousands of workers only in the packing and boxing stages, this is still operating very stably but will be overloaded and no longer effective when the company continues to grow too fast because the number of employees will not be enough to meet the number of orders per day. In the first few months of the job, with his acquired and sharp thinking, Mason realized the limitation of this supply chain and he began to work on an essay on the solution in order to be able to participate in the university thesis defense exam at the end of this semester.

He thought for lot of week s to came up with a way to reduce the number of workers and 

increases productiving and of course his close friend Danny also joined into help even through Danny finished his thesis and graduated, need many months of thinking and working together continuously, they have discover found out why not using hydraulic robotic arms and aframe can siting of frames the sare size as the delivery boxes and put the cotor at the end and the 4 sided press the carton into a shape square and robotic arms plas a conveyor with 2 top and bottom ends with a tape will work for packing and as for the final stickers to make for shipping a printer heat using artificial intelligence processing. Due to lack of money, Danny and Mason sold their valuables, including the only car that was sold to buy the necessary tools. This is truly a one to one bet, if they fail they will be on the dole. On the first, second and third attempts, they failed all the times, sometimes the hydraulic arm did not work, another time because the thermal printer was too high, causing the box to burn, they were so frustrated, at the last time they tried, they replaced the AI-powered hydraulic arm instead of normal hydraulic arm to see does it helped increase speed. Luckily it worked!!!They shouted and hugged each other in joy.

Mason registered a company before bringing his product to the competition because trust Danny, he established the company and divided the share at the rate of 50/50 for Danny. On the day of the completion, everything went very smoothly, he got enough points to graduate, at the same time, he also received a contract to sell 5000 machines to Amazon for a total value of up to 300 million dollars and they also spent another 100 million dollars to own 20% of the shares. But Danny didn’t do it right. He lied, instead of using 10% of each person to divide, he took 20% of Mason and used the company seal to go alone to complete a deal with Amazon, when Mason knew it was too late. He just has 30% stock and lower than Danny. Danny wanted to kick him out of his company and Danny ready the contract for Mason, and said Mason needed to sign in, Mason didn’t sign and both dragged each other to court, when in court, the court ruled Danny won because he was holding 50% of company stock. But he made the big mistake of going solo with Amazon because at that time, the company was still a co-owner of both and he signed a contract without going through the other CEO, so at the final rearing. The court ruled that he broke the contract of ownership and gave the entire company to Mason. Although Danny keeps 50% stock, He still loses everything. His face was like a chili, very angry but he couldn't do anything. So the story wants to tell us “don’t trust anyone too much, It’s a double edge sword.

The author's comments:

My name is Dang, i'm 17 yrs old right now.
Fun fact: i graduated highschool and studying in year in Vietnam, i move to US and just sign up for Highschool to make use of free time.

About this story: This is the true story I have seen in my old university, of course in real life it more longer and much more complicated but i need to make it shorter for my teacher read that easier.


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