The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

April 13, 2022
By Anonymous

Me and my friends are going on a trip to hang out and have fun. The people I am taking are John, David, Tyler, Adam, and Gabe. They are all really good friends and I have known them for a while. I´ve known John since I was three. I have also known David since I was 4. We meant playing soccer and have been friends ever since. I ment Tyler and Gabe in third grade and 4th grade. So we all ment at my house. Then we all started packing up our things. We all had certain things to pack. I had to pack food, David packed tents, Adam packed water, Gabe packed sleeping bags, Tyler packed fun stuff to do like board games, and John packed cooking stuff. Then after everyone was packed. We all met up at my house and we started heading north. That is where we think a place called candy land is. It was getting pretty late so we started to slow down then we set up camp in a forest and me and David went to look for some wood for a fire. Well Gabe, Tyler, and John set up the tents and got the fire ready. We thought we were about half way there. After that we started to play monopoly. Gabe won the game. I got second, David got 3rd, Adam got 4th and John got last. Then we woke up to my alarm and we made a new fire and cooked pancakes and bacon. Then we started traveling again to see all kinds of cool bird trees. We took pictures of everything. Then we finally got there. It was just like we imagined candy everywhere we ate so much that we fell asleep. Then we woke up and we were all just at my house. Then we all talked about our dreams and we noticed that we all had the same dream.

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