Avacado's Naturales | Teen Ink

Avacado's Naturales

April 1, 2022
By amack2005 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
amack2005 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The scorching Mexican sun beat down on the boy's face as he stood in the middle of Mendez's avocado fields outside his house. Juan, a tiny boy, was the person in question. Juan has only known his small community in Mexico since he was nine years old. He wasn't a tall boy, but he wasn't little either; he had a light complexion and dark brown hair. He'd always aspired to be the same as his parents. They were avocado farmers who lived in Moreno on a large tract of property. Their ancestors had resided there for five generations. He was fascinated by the land's history and aspired to be just like his parents when he grew up. However, these fantasies would be shattered. The banditos, a local gang in their area, had been feuding with their family for years and were on the verge of taking the land from Juan's parents. They were manufacturing their avocados with artificial additives, which made them bigger and saltier. They had made enough money to bribe the town into raising taxes, forcing them to sell the land.

Juan Mendez and his parents had just come back from a hard day of avocado picking. They were all tired and sweaty because they had to increase their amount of picked avocados after the migrant workers had gone to the banditos compound. The migrants could make slightly more money there due to their increasing amounts of land and profits they raked in each year. The Mendez family was barely able as is to afford taxes and to pay their small work staff since so many avocados were going bad due to the low amount of migrant workers. They knew that they would be able to maintain their land if they kept this up but they would have to cut extra costs like unnecessary vacations, unnecessary clothing, going out for dinner, etc. The parents held a lot of value in the land due to their history with it and how important it was to their parents. Juan’s parents knew of their dilemma with the banditos but would try to hide their concern from their son as to not make him worried. They had always been know for their avocados how had the banditos gained so much land and almost wiped the Mendez family out of the game. 

Then it hit the dad one night what if they were using artificial chemicals in their avocados and guacamole. They would need to sneck into the banditos compound steal a fresh avocado of theirs and then a shelf one or get hard cold evidence of then altering the seed’s genetics this was a very big claim and they would need proof in order to obtain the evidence. The father was planning a stakeout he would get a hotel room across the street and stay there all week looking for anything they could use against them. Juan was very confused about where his father was during their big harvest of the season and was wondering what happened. His mother assured him that it was nothing but business dealing with local supermarkets and he would be home soon. His mother just wanted the best for the family and was starting to question what her husband was doing. She knew that this meant more to him than her but a stakeout what’s next. She just wanted to protect he son from whatever her husband was doing and was starting to get worried for his own safety. 

Sure enough, after a week he came home with his murder board suitcase of evidence. He saw them out there with bigger than normal seeds they were the size of tennis balls he claimed. He needs to get his hands on one. He said were going to have to send someone small in.  She instantly knew what he was implying and put her foot down and said not give it up either we sell the land or move we can’t keep doing the sending Juan to the banditos property to steal a seed because you think it’s bad just leave it alone they have the whole town in their pocket we need to just sell are land and leave this is no place for us if we’re going to do criminal things over a rivalry. Give up they won we lose sell the land and let’s be a family again. He could tell he had taken it too far. There wasn’t any point he wanted the land but they were going to get pushed out one way or another. They had to leave before it was late. So that’s what he did after having to tell his son the bad news which went over as expected very terrible he knew he made the right decision, in the end, choosing family over legacy.

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