Another Take | Teen Ink

Another Take

January 20, 2022
By Anonymous

It was a normal dreary day in Japan. I had another long day of work scheduled at the office. I sighed as I rolled out of bed onto the floor dramatically. I didn’t wanna get up yet. There was just a new update to Another Take and I couldn’t miss it! I stayed up almost all night playing the game. 

Feeling as heavy as a bolder, I sluggishly dragged myself out of the bedroom into the bathroom. I turned my faucet on, cupped my hands together, and let the icy cold water envelop my face. After shaving, brushing my teeth, and putting some deodorant on, I was just about ready to go. I got into my fancy work outfit that my boss prides us on wearing and headed off to work.  I looked outside my window, Ah dangit looks like I'm going to need an umbrella today. 

Oh, I almost forgot, Hi my name is Logan. I'm a regular office worker and I live in this one-story apartment alone. My family had moved to Japan before I was born. My parents both died in a car accident while I was still just a young boy. Having no other family besides my uncle, I had to live with him for a while. He worked hard to provide for both of us and honestly gave me a solid life, but of course, I can’t seem to catch a break. My Uncle was diagnosed with cancer and just a year later, he passed. 

He fought a hard battle, that's always what my uncle was, a fighter. Sadly he couldn’t win this time. Now I'm all alone. I have nobody. No friends, no family, no one. I live this stupid life with no change, everything is the same. Each day a carbon copy of the last. I wake up, go to work, come home, eat, play video games, and sleep. Nothing interesting happens anymore. 

I can remember back to the days when I was a little kid. I would go to the park with my family, play catch with my dad, joke with my uncle as we played cards, help my mom with setting up at this old picnic table we had always used. It was a great time, I even had a childhood friend, Sarah. We played by this bridge. I had seen her fall one day and saved her. That's how we met and became friends. Then my parents died and I had to move away from her. 

Everything flowed back to me, the joy I used to feel. How I miss those days I thought to myself. With everything that has happened to me, I felt like my life was over, but the cogs continued to turn. I shouldn’t be complaining. Other people have it worse than me, at least I'm alive, at least I have a place to stay and a decent paying job. 

I slammed my door shut and turned my keys *click* as I locked my door, I slowly turned away and sighed as I opened my umbrella and started to head off to work. 

I had gotten to the intersection, “Just a quick turn and my building is right that way”, I silently reminded myself. I looked around to see all the cars and big buildings covering the little sunlight we had. A massive grey blanket covered the earth and you could see the tiny specs of water drizzle down from the thick dark sky. 

I saw a little yellow ball rolling in the middle of the street. Oh my god, a little girl is walking in the street! No, she can’t do that! She's gonna get hit! My body moved on its own, I could feel the adrenaline in my veins I was going to do whatever it takes to get this girl to safety. It reminded me of when Sarah fell off the bridge, a similar feeling of adrenaline. A truck was coming, she didn’t see it. She wanted her ball. 

I neared her sprinting at full speed, panting as I got closer I jumped. SLAM!!! There was nothing. Darkness. No sound, no light, no movement, nothing. I had no sense of direction. I couldn’t feel anything but this sense of tranquility. Then it hit me. Back when I saved the girl, the truck. It hit me. I was dead. 

The author's comments:

This piece is just a shortened version of a much longer story I will be writing, this is an exam piece for my class at school. 

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