The Pillar Of Peace | Teen Ink

The Pillar Of Peace

October 14, 2021
By Ju5tin23 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Ju5tin23 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the year 2185 in a world where people have supernatural powers. One day out of the blue people started getting mysterious abilities that would change the whole world, the entire existence. At age one kids started awakening their unique abilities such as strength, shapeshifting, the power to control the 5 elements Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Space itself all kinds of abilities that you can't imagine. But with these powers, bad people used them for evil so they created schools for people who wanted to be heroes to stop the villains from using their powers for evil deeds.

In the city of Supervill, there was a boy born for greatness who would one day become the greatest hero to ever live his name was Justin Ray. At age one when all the other kids got their powers, he was the only one who didn't awaken one; it was some kind of mutation that didn't allow him to have power. He was way different from the other kids and his friends. His three closest friends JJ Snow had the power to control ice and fire he had two powers, Laila Black had the power to fly like a bird because she had wings like a falcon and Jack Humble had the power to bring out electricity out of any part of his body like a voltage. It was the end of 8th grade and an important year where they had to choose what superhero high school they were going to apply to depending on how strong their abilities are. His three friends got into the best high school they wanted but he didn't because of his disability of not having power. They each chose their superhero name JJ’s name was Icy Hot, Laila's name was Supersarum falcon and Jack's name was Electro even though Justin Ray didn't have powers his name was the Pillar Hero because he wanted to be a symbol of peace where everyone feels safe.

One day Justin Ray was walking home from high school when he saw the Flame Burst villain all his body started getting covered with flames trying to kill the civilians he had the power to turn people into fire monsters and also had the power to disintegrate people from just how hot his flames are. Justin Ray without thinking powerless he rushed to fight the villain and almost got caught with his flames when suddenly the most amazing hero of that generation appeared his name was The All-Mighty Guy his power was super strength with one hit he took the villain down but the only reason he helped was because he saw Justin Rays braveness to rush into battle without any hesitation to the point that the best hero would make him a student of his because he wanted him to inherit the title of the best hero and also to make his bod strong because of the lack of having no powers. For months and months, Justin Ray trained hard to reach the level of strength needed to go head to head with a villain. Even though people told him he was weak, he never stopped to reach the goal he wanted. 

After months and months of training, Justin Ray got to face the worst and most powerful villain and his name was The Skull Reaper he started killing and terrorizing the civilians. After knowing they were weak, he didn't care, and made him want more and more screaming. His unique power was called the all-seeing eye (It allows him to see every once abilities and also copy them and use them with a more powerful punch) the battle of Justin ray and was legendary because he didn't have powers and he was beating the villain after that, seeing how thing were going The villain Skull Reaper started absorbing power to make a big ball of just power that could wipe the whole city out of existence and threw it towards him. Justin knowing he couldn't do that just stood there waiting for it to hit when The All-Mighty Guy showed up out of nowhere and stopped the time for only 20 seconds that gave him time to talk to justin about his true powers he had the ability to stop time, the power to pass on his powers to someone else worthy, the power of smoke screen allows him to make a screen of smoke, the power of float it allows him to fly, strength, invisibility, and finally the power of flashback which allows him to go back in time this are the 7 powers that were passed on to Justin Ray and at that moment justin awakened his true power of alchemist it allows him to create anything by just thinking about it like a real alchemist worker. After all, that time ran out and The All Mighty Guy trusted him with the powers moments before he took the hit from the ball of power and died. JJ, Laila, and jack showed up to fight the villain but they also failed to beat him knowing that his friend Justin was on the line because they still thought that he didn't have powers they gave it their all until they couldn't no more justin got up and started using his powers to defeat Skull Reaper all his friends got surprised and amazed in that moment they realized how much powerful he was compared to them. Justin fought him for hours and hours until Skull Reaper went down with a hit that caused his life, defeating the greatest villain Justin Ray turned into the number one hero. But this is not the end, this is the story of the greatest hero to ever walk the earth.

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