The walking Dead | Teen Ink

The walking Dead

December 11, 2020
By alvaradoemily3 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
alvaradoemily3 BRONZE, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was standing there in complete shock not knowing what to do! Its bright red eyes were staring down into my soul, am I about to die? What is on me? Has my worst nightmare become a reality? Is this a zombie?  
I started to scream for my life. My dad came rushing in and slashed his head. The head just fell onto my lap. My dad exclaimed, "Hurry up son pack what you need; I'll be downstairs packing my gear. We'll head out in twenty minutes.” I asked, “Dad what is going on?!” “Son I don’t know just hurry up and get your stuff together now!”  
I stared at the poster next to my tv. I thought to myself, “Is this really going on? Is the walking dead becoming a reality?” 
I hurried downstairs, and I caught sight of my dad killing off two zombies in the backyard. He quickly came inside and urged,” Okay son we have enough gas, food, and clothes to last us a week. We’re going to head to your grandparents where it is safer. I will be driving in the first half, and you will drive in the second. I want you to sleep when it is not your turn because you're going to need all the rest you can get. You got that son?” 
 I exclaimed,” yeah, dad, I understand.”  
“Ok, son, go put all of this stuff into the truck.” 
I walked out, and our neighborhood was a ghost town. Everyone had already left; it was just my dad and me left. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to my childhood best friend. What has life turned into? 
I rushed back inside, and my dad was looking down at his calf. He looked up at me in despair.  
“This can't be real, dad!” 
“Son, everything is going to be all right. I want you to listen to me very carefully. I have already called your grandparents, they know you are coming. You must remain strong...” 
I yelled, “Dad, please, it’s probably just a bruise!” 
“Son, you can't lie to yourself; it won't do you any good, don’t make this any harder than it has to be! Please hurry and get on the road! I love you son. I'll do my best to get back to you. This isn't goodbye.” 
I burst into tears, “I love you dad”  
Just like that, I left my dad to die by himself. 

The author's comments:

I am a 17-year-old Mexican American senior in high school. I live in Tenessee, and I love hanging out with my friends, sudoku, and watching movies. This piece came about because it was an assignment in my creative writing class. I hope you guys enjoy it. 

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