intercept the gold rush | Teen Ink

intercept the gold rush

January 24, 2019
By Anonymous

There I was laying on my bed. Drowning in wild thoughts. So many of them come to mind. Until one of them hit me, time travel. Just as this thought came to mind, turned off, more like passed out, lost my conscious.

 BOOM! I hit the ground, but I wasn’t in my bedroom anymore, I don’t even think I was in Maryland anymore. It was now day time, and I was in the dirt, somewhere probably in the country side or a baseball field. I got up, dusted myself off, and looked around. I saw one house, so I walked up to it. When I got there, I realized that it was made of mud and it had a grass roof. That stopped me for a minute. Grass and mud houses almost two miles away from each other, no form of normal infrastructure, wild animals running around crazy. I took a deep breath before I knocked on the door. I prayed for a good reception. The door creased open, a man with a crown or hat made of feathers. If that didn’t scare me, the fact that he spoke in a foreign language did. I asked him where I was. He said California in a weird accent. What year is being he told me it was 1738. He welcomed me in and he kept looking at me strange. After a few minutes he sent his daughter and he told her to show me around. We walked outside and jumped on a wagon of horses, not a car, a bus, a van, a damn horse, it was truly the year 1738. We rode through hills and valleys and I came across this hill it looked as if it was the hill with the Hollywood sign on it but that’s for the future for them. “Where are you from.” she asked. I didn’t know how to answer the question at the time. “Baltimore.” I said. What brings you here to the west. “no, I am from Baltimore of the year 2019. She looked at me with a sigh. “You aren’t the first, actually the second to come in from a different time, someone came in a few minutes ago asking where he was, and my dad opened the door and said California of 1738 and he told him to take him to see the place, ohh that’s you. She said. She took me around and around California and the sun was now setting. We sat and looked at the beautiful California sunset. I felt dizzy and my vision started to blur, and everything went dark for a cool minute

There I was in my room. “oh, it was just a nightmare.” I said in relief. But when I got up and out of bed and realized that I was more tired than I was before I got to bed yesterday, it wasn’t even day time, I took my phone and checked the time and I was only gone for only one minute, what felt like a day. I was also dirty, like not sweaty dirty but like dust and mud dirty. I stood there in confusion as I wondered if I went back to the year 1738. I ran and, in the mirror, to see the marks caused by landing on the turf that hard. I wondered to myself if that was true. If there were possibilities of traveling to different times like 1988-2001 so I can see the greatest era of NBA history like Michael Jordan’s career and the Kobe and Shaq run and the big men like Hakeem and Mutumbo and Allen Iverson while witnessing the rise of hip-hop at the same time. Also seeing the rise of California. That is when it hit me, in 1738 the US was not yet under attack from Britain, at least not yet. The Indians owned the west and the south too I just needed to get myself to California. Then it was just a place in the area, with lots of Gold that I can mine and leave with and comeback here, in 2019 and see it to make myself a rich man. What took like 2 hours to me took him like barely 40minutes.I jumped back in bed and got to sleep. For real this time.

The next day I went back to school with the thoughts of the time travel, how I could get back to the time in era. The year 1738. I didn’t want to tell anyone because they will think that I am dumb or special. The funny thing that happened today, in history class we studied about the Gold Rush. After school I had learned about what the location of most of the mining areas in the folder he gave us for homework he gave us a big map of gold mines and how far away they are from each other and where they were in the first place. Me being an East Coast guy, I really don’t know much about

The author's comments:

this writing was based an a book that I have been reading lately, named KIndred. in that book the character travels back to the 1800. as a black lady from 1976, she had to go through slavery. I thought, maybe if she went west and got gold before anyone else realized there was gold there maybe she would be better of 

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