Dying Light | Teen Ink

Dying Light

March 2, 2016
By 19al01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19al01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a zombie apocalypse the question is who will survive. Well Dying Light gives you the option to conquer the zombie apocalypse, with giving the option to go where ever you want and climb just about everything. I am reviewing all the options from the weapons and storyline, and even to the movement of the game, but first let me describe the game.

Dying Light is an open-world, survival game that was developed by Techland which made other zombie games such as the “Dead Island” series. Dying Light takes place in a fictional quarantine city of Harran, which is overrun by zombies, it also has a campaign or a story mode with main missions to complete the story or side missions that earn you extra cash or points to level up, and also a “Be the Zombie” mode that lets you creep around as the zombie for a change. Dying Light also has multiplayer so you can play with you friends through the thrilling zombie apocalypse. Dying light is a one of very few games in which they mastered the day and night rotation and the fear that comes with it. In the day time of Dying Light you scavenge for for supplies, but at night you better hide.

Dying Light has a tremendous storyline with zombies and villains. The game’s villain is named “Kadir Suleiman” or also know better as “Rais”. Rais has a gang that is ripping people off in money and medicine, which causes a big problem. The people in the game use humor, and sarcasm in their speech, as well as anxious words when under pressure, and would say stuff that players might say in the same situation, which makes the game queerly relatable. The zombies dramastically get more difficult at night. Speaking of that there are zombies that just come out at night and are almost impossible to kill. One of those zombies are the “Volatile”. The Volatile hides in shadows in the day time, but at night time it catches you with it’s aggressive burst of speed and agility, and demolishes you with it’s claws.

Dying light is set in an abandoned urban environment setting in the quarantine city of Harran, which makes the movement in the game quite thrilling. The developers of the game made it so you can move anywhere, and climb everything. You can make your way roof by roof, or you can take the risky path with zombies in the streets, but either way the movement of the game is thrilling.

The game is mostly based on melee weapons, and you don’t get a gun until almost the end of the game. This doesn’t bother me much, considering the thousands of different combinations you can have on the weapon. You can choose from many weapons and you gain more choices as you level up your character. The weapons in the game do crack and rupture. So you have to repair them, meaning no weapon is infinite. There are also throwing weapons including the “Molotov”  or the “Throwing Star” which is very useful at times. The developers of Dying Light couldn’t help it to add in secret weapons such as the “Excalibur”,  which has made its way into the Dead Island series as well.

Dying Light is one of the zombie games the aren't repetitive.  Dying Light can be repugnant and gruesome at times, but the storyline, the movement, and the weapons make the game extremely entertaining. Overall you can survive alone or with your friends through the rigid zombie apocalypse.

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