Gunslugs 2 | Teen Ink

Gunslugs 2

November 8, 2015
By Fanfiction13 PLATINUM, Somewhere, Other
Fanfiction13 PLATINUM, Somewhere, Other
28 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's no fame without fans.

The pixelated parody of action movies has finally returned! Gunslugs 2 follows the journey of the titled group as they face the Black Duck Army once more. This time, however, the Black Duck Army has REALLY stepped up their game. In this title, they have teamed up with aliens! You must take control of various Gunslug members and defeat the Black Duck Army and their alien allies. Throughout the crazy story, players will laugh at the humorous writing and nods/parodies of other movies and media.

While Gunslugs 2 is not the most intuitive game, it does provide its fun another way. With hectic side scrolling action! Gunslugs 2 is not different in the sense of other games like it, such as Broforce. But, it does provide creative ways to differ the gameplay of itself. Through various weapon selections such as rockets, two sided machinegun, and a plasma gun, it certainly lets its creativity shine. In sense of objective per level, all it consists of is eliminating waves of enemies and destroying alien bases. Bosses, at the end of each world, aren't great in the sense of being creative, but in the sense of how much they add to the craziness of the game.

While backgrounds vary adding more substance for the eyes to feast on, character models are just bobbing heads without bodies.

The 8-bit soundtrack is engrossing and only adds to the craziness that occurs on screen.

Gunslugs 2 is most certainly a creative game in its own way. With hectic side scrolling action, it is not for those with a faint of heart. It provides humourous moments with intense gameplay. Certainly a game not to be missed by gun loving hard core gamers. 

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