Sting Review: Yakuza 0 | Teen Ink

Sting Review: Yakuza 0 MAG

December 6, 2023
By TheJLarge BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
TheJLarge BRONZE, Chester, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Yakuza 0” is an action-adventure game published by Sega in America in 2017 as a prequel to the original “Yakuza” game, which was released in 2006. The story takes place in Japan during the 80s, where it also takes a unique twist from its precursors, in which the game features two protagonists: Kazuma Kiryu, the main character of the series, and Goro Majima, a recurring antagonist and comic relief in later games. On Kazuma’s side of the story, he leaves the Dojima family due to a shakedown gone wrong to protect his adoptive father and head of the Tojo clan from being punished. Kazuma later finds out it was a setup and fights to get back in and prove that it wasn’t him. In Majima’s side of the story, Majima works for a club to pay off a debt to his clan so he may rejoin the Omi Alliance after being banished.

The game has an open-world exploration that allows for different encounters, like side quests and boss fights. The combat in this game is superb, with each character having three different fighting styles, eventually unlocking a fourth one for completing an in-game side story. Each combat style feels smooth and fun to play, although it is flawed because some are better than others. Each of them still feels great, and each has its uses, but what purpose would your fists serve if you didn’t have any reason to throw them?

Fans of the series hail the story of “Yakuza 0” to be the best storyline out of the entire nine-game series, soon to be 10. The storyline itself is intriguing, making me want more and more with every chapter I complete. It has memorable characters, some of my favorites in the series only appearing in this game. The dialogue is some of the best writing in a game that I have ever seen, somehow managing to find a perfect balance between silly and serious. Its side quests are also a blend of both fun to watch and to beat, each created with unique endings. Most of the time, however, the “make it or break it” feeling that emanates from these scenes is also done in part by its amazing soundtrack.

The music in this game is something to die for. It has almost everything, from songs that play during some of the saddest moments in the game, songs that get you pumped for an incredibly difficult fight, and lighthearted songs that go along with the moments in the game that make you feel like saying, “What...?” There is music seemingly for every emotion this game can make you experience. Some of the most memorable music comes from “Yakuza 0’s” various minigames.

Throughout every “Yakuza” game, there are many minigames, a recurring one being the internet- famous karaoke. In this, you can select songs and play a short rhythm game to them. One of the most popular, “Baka Mitai,” took the internet by storm around early 2020 to late 2021. “Yakuza 0” also features other things, such as a variety of Japanese board games, darts, baseball, fishing, and other, more odd games.

Other than my one little nitpick about the combat mechanics, this game is perfect. I would even go as far as to say it is one of my favorites in my library. The music is golden, most of the minigames are fun to play, the combat is great, and I legitimately cried at multiple parts of this game. If you are a fan of action games in general, I would say that this game is a must-have. If I had to give it a rating, I would give it a 10/10. I would take a point off for the unbalanced nature of some of the fighting styles, but the only other game that has this style of combat has a much worse lack of balance. That will be a topic for a later review, however.

The author's comments:

My name is Thomas  and I am currently a senior in Illinois: the Home of Popeye (it's true, look it up!) Outside of the media I consume, I would say that my life is fairly boring. Some of the people and things that inspire me to write are Eichiro Oda, author of the manga/anime 'One Piece,' Kentaro Miura, the late author of the manga 'Berserk,' and a handful of the action games that I play, including the Yakuza, Risk of Rain, and Destiny series. I am also a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, and classical poetry (John Keats is my favorite).

This review is the first and currently one of the only reviews that I have ever written. It was initially written by me to be submitted to the SIUC yearly journalism summit, but I feel like it could go further than just locally.

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on Dec. 18 2024 at 9:25 am
ChristianS-28-01, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My mother is my pillar of strength"

I have to agree, probably my favorite Yakuza game!