Grey's Anatomy | Teen Ink

Grey's Anatomy

May 30, 2013
By vsaravanan BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
vsaravanan BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The show Grey’s Anatomy is a combination of romance, thrill, and comedy. It is shown on ABC channel created by Shonda Rhimes. It’s a drama that takes place in a hospital. It is about the lives of five different surgeons who started out as interns. Being on the side watching this show makes you realize how real their lives are. Working at a hospital and putting everything you have towards your job and others can really impact the lives of people around you. The dialogue for this movie keeps you entertained and wanting more. On most episodes, they leave you with a cliffhanger or something to think about that you start guessing or creating scenarios in your own head. Shonda Rhimes is a very creative writer. She once said that “you should always be concerned about the couple’s future.” For a frequent Grey’s Anatomy watcher, this could mean many things. The relationships on Grey’s Anatomy are very important. It could deal with death or simple relationship problems. I really enjoy watching this show because I’ve been watching it for all the seasons it has aired. You end up connecting to each character and comparing your life to them. You also see how they grow and mature throughout the series.

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