Percy Jackson and The Olympians: Season 1 | Teen Ink

Percy Jackson and The Olympians: Season 1

June 12, 2024
By AthenatheGoddess PLATINUM, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
AthenatheGoddess PLATINUM, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
38 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Look, I didn't want to be a halfblood."

Based on the famous book series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians is about 12 year old Percy Jackson discovering that he is the son of one of the Greek Olympian gods. Percy and his two friends have to travel to the Underworld to save his mom, but he discovers something much darker and more dangerous than the impending war between Zeus and Hades.

I grew up on these book and when I found out about the show, I was so excited. I made sure to follow all of the actors and multiple fan accounts. I waited for months for the show to release, and I will admit my disappointment. The casting was fantastic. Unlike most people who didn’t like this show, I will not complain about that. I feel that most, if not all, of the actors truly embodied their characters and put lots of effort into the role.

One of my complaints is the acting. I had seen many of the main actors in other movies and felt they did great there, but the acting wasn’t very good. I understand that they are children, but I feel there was lots of room for improvement. As a fellow actor, there were certain scenes that pained me to watch because of how bad the acting was.

One thing about the show that was pretty good was the editing. This show was made by Disney and had a widely high budget, which made for some pretty realistic special effects. I will admit that there were certain scenes that the special effects could be improved in, but it was surely better than the acting.

I would rate this show a solid 6.5 out of ten. I was just so excited for the show, and was somewhat disappointed by the lack of acting skills and the fact that they didn’t always follow the plot. These books are what inspired me to start acting, writing, and filmmaking, and I just felt they did not live up to my expectations.

I would recommend watching this show if you’re a fan of the books, but just prepare to be a bit disappointed.

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