Raising Dion Season 1 | Teen Ink

Raising Dion Season 1

January 24, 2020
By Iransalazar2021 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Iransalazar2021 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The thought of having superpowers have gone viral around this generation. Exactly why this show has lots of superhero fiction for people to enjoy. It first released on oct 5, 2019 by Carol Barbee. This show has amazing actors like Mihael B. Jordan and Jason Ritter that are well known. This show is about a 7 year old kid named Dion who discovers his own powers.  Which soon caused family drama. 

This family was already struggling with the fact that Dion's dad had an unexpected death and his mom was working hard to not get evicted and to pay for Dion ́s asthma medication. All of this was causing Dion from interacting with other people and causing him to miss school. 

What I like about the show “Raising Dion” is that the most unexpected things happen unexpectedly. It also leaves you questioning what would happen next. This show  focuses on other superheroes and not just the main character Dion. A fun fact about this show is that they put a diabled character in there and they don't usually add them on shows. Other than that this show inspires to be different from everyone else. This show also helps people that are going through a hard time to not give up and there will always be opportunities you just have to be patient and do what you like.

The message of this show is deeper than it appears it is not all just superheroes this also involves personal lives and the struggles of being parents and that no one is alone and that there is always someone there to help. Also the people you are closest to can be the ones who hurt you the most.

The audience that Carol Barbee was trying to persuade to continue watching are the people that are interested in action, fiction, drama, and mysteries. The people that tend to watch this can have a little bit of two things which are fiction and slice peace of what's happening in real life.

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