Da Realist | Teen Ink

Da Realist

February 26, 2009
By Breanna Snowden BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Breanna Snowden BRONZE, Rochester, New York
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“Da Realist” is yet another truthful and real album released from artist Plies.
This album features the song from the top chart “Put it on ya” featuring Chris J.
Da Realist is plies 3rd album in roughly 16 months. Tower records customers review the album as a 5 star. Plies is known for keeping it real. With albums such as Definition of Real, Da Realist, and the Real Testament he has sold 1 million ringtones of the song Shawty and over 225,000 copies of The Definition of Real. I recommend this album because he keeps it real and he’s true to his fans but, for kids under 13 you may want the edited album.

The author's comments:
I take a Journalism Class so it inspires me to write things such as aritcles, editorials, and reviews.


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