paper trail by T.I. | Teen Ink

paper trail by T.I.

May 21, 2010
By t-pain BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
t-pain BRONZE, Belleville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

T.I. is the best rapper out right now. He sold many albums that are in stores in the U.S. T.I. even has many albums sold around the world! He is good with his lyrics and his beats. T.I. is the greatest rapper of all time. He may even be the best rapper that there ever will be.
He won the best dressed at the 2005 BET (Black Entertainment) awards. His debut album, “I’m Serious”, sold 163,000 copies in the United States. Then T.I. came out with his second album, “Trap Musik”. It debuted at number 4 and sold 109,000 copies. Not long after he came out with his third album, “Urban Legend”. That album started at number 7 on the Billboard 200, selling 193,000 copies sold. The fourth album, “the king” which started at number 1 on the Billboard 200 in the first half of 2006, sold 522,000 copies. T.I’.s fifth album hit number 1 on the Billboard 200 and was on the top R&B/hip hop album charts, selling 468,000 copies. Then his sixth album, “Paper Trail”, broke the record for biggest jump to number 1 on the Billboard 200 and sold 569,000 copies in the United States.
My conclusion is that T.I. is the best and will get even better!! He has a new album out, called “King Uncaged”. I predict that it will be another best selling album! His hit single is “I’m Back”. His album will not disappoint!!!!

The author's comments:
it is a good review


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