Blinding Lights | Teen Ink

Blinding Lights

September 25, 2021
By Ela2611 PLATINUM, Vancouver, Columbia
Ela2611 PLATINUM, Vancouver, Columbia
43 articles 30 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
Give the ones you love , the wings to fly roots to come by and reasons to stay …….

I want to live inside the synth track on The Weeknd’s “Blinding lights.” I feel like I’m in a modernized version of the 80’s. The Weeknd has taken us back to record hit year 1981 , the ascension of a new wave and the age of nostalgia. Blinding lights is one of those special , melodic , mass-appealing songs with a tunic multi-format and multi-generational hit.

My favourite track from the album “After Hours”, definitely was save your tears and blinding lights . Both had a beautiful dream-like tune to it almost making you feel that life is a dream . A truly Michael Jackson world ; living in the record itself.

If you ever think about comparing the song to The Weeknd’s other pop music hit “Heartless”, you’ll see a recognition , in my perspective of beats and tunes. I feel that they both are similar in a way , as The Weeknd talks about how he needs love and how he’s been empowered by a certain person .

This song definitely reminds me of me grandfather as his empowering spirit over the past few months , has made my journey something I will never forget in my life . The Weeknd really has shown that the empowerment of someone you really love matters the most in your life , and I feel like he’s really outdone himself this time .

Versatility is the definite key in the music industry and The Weeknd has demonstrated that he’s more adept at adjusting to various styles. While blinding lights is synth-heavy and upbeat , the song is also brilliantly crafted , which isn’t a much-given surprise knowing that pop and future-star idol , The Weeknd , as he sang it himself . To anyone who is definitely an R and B or a pop music lover , I would definitely recommend this song .



The author's comments:

As The Weeknd is my favourite singer/songwriter , I decided to make a music review entirely on his famous debut on his song "Blinding Lights."

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This article has 1 comment.

Lydiaq ELITE said...
on Sep. 28 2021 at 11:02 am
Lydiaq ELITE, Somonauk, Illinois
179 articles 54 photos 1026 comments

Favorite Quote:
The universe must be a teenage girl. So much darkness, so many stars.

thank you:)