Paul Blart Mall Cop | Teen Ink

Paul Blart Mall Cop

March 16, 2009
By Patrick Larkin BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Patrick Larkin BRONZE, Rochester, New York
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Paul Blart (Kevin James) takes his job as a security guard at a mall very seriously. This pays off when a bunch of bad guys on Black Friday try to take a lot of money from the mall while holding hostages. They are also holding his 'girlfriend,' Amy (Jayma Mays) which makes him even more determined. He had failed to become a cop, failing on the obstacle course.

In this movie, Paul Blart has the choice to not save anybody and leave it up to the S.W.A.T. team. People are even encouraging him to get out of the mall. But, because of his determination, he stays and hopefully will save his mall.

The characters in this movie are perfect for the role. The actors look just like you would imagine them. Kevin James is the perfect fit for this hilarious role as Paul Blart. The unnamed Indian dude was a little over-done. He wasn't funny at all because all he did was talk annoyingly. His acting was really horrible. But, of course, they couldn't have done it without him as toy will see when you see this movie. In my opinion, the best actor and character was Paul Blart. He acted stupid like he was supposed to. He acted very real; things done by him couldn't be done by anybody else. He was hilarious! For example, when he was being all cool sliding behind a column, but not exactly making it, so he kind of scotched to behind the column. Also, when he was just in a big fight, he limped over to a corner and pulled up his shirt sleeve to see a tiny cut. 'Ah, that's not so bad,' Paul Blart said pulling out a hello kitty band-aid.

The acting in this movie could have been better; Paul Blart was fine as mentioned earlier, but 'Paul's girlfriend' Amy wasn't that great. Even though there aren't a lot of special effects, the ones in the movie are very special; like when there was a slow motion bullet. The stunts are not good' which is what made it so funny! All together I give it 5 out of 5.


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