The Ridiculous Six | Teen Ink

The Ridiculous Six

March 2, 2016
By 19ml01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
19ml01 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The movie “The Ridiculous 6” is a Netflix original western comedy film directed by Frank Coraci. The film was released on December 11th, 2015 and had been viewed more times in 30 days than any other movie in Netflix history. Starring Adam Sandler as Tommy Stockburn or “White Knife” was raised by Native Americans due to losing his mother as a young child and his father being a run around bank robber. On the verge of getting married to “Smoking Fox” (Julia Jones) his biological father Frank Stockburn comes by telling him he buried $50,000 next to a pine tree for him. Soon after, Frank gets kidnapped by a gang and in order for Tommy to save him the gang wants $50,000 in return. Tommy goes to the pine tree hoping to find the money, but when he comes out empty handed, he decides he needs to find a different way to get the money and save his father.

After much thought, he figures the best the way get that kind of money is to rob it. In his mindset it's not ok to steal from good people, only bad people. As Tommy is planning his bank robbery while going through a bad town, he meets a short Mexican man named Roman (Rob Schneider). In the little time that they are talking they find out that Frank Stockburn is the father of both of them. Continuing with Tommy's plan on robbing the bank, Roman decides he wants to help too with the hope of meeting Frank (his father) for the first time. After successfully robbing the bank, the two brothers continue on with their journey to help their father. On their way they meet many other half brothers all with Frank Stockburn as their father. The 6 brothers name their gang “The Ridiculous 6” and are ready to save their father and meet him for the first time.

Being western themed, the movie was filmed in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The setting was perfect but how were the reviews? The most common thing said was it was the kind of comedy that was offensive and rude. Many said jokes were racist, stereotypical, and arguably unnecessary. My personal opinion on the movie, is it went on for far too long. The length of the film is very close to being 2 hours and goes on for what seems like forever. Personally I would rate this movie 2 out of 5 stars, I thought it was alright however I do agree that some jokes and comments were racist and the comedy wasn't  funny. The movie plot was original and somewhat interesting, I liked the actors in this movie but they could have done much better.

Being a Happy Madison production, the film naturally collected an array of many mainstream Hollywood actors. With the budget being six million, one could assume that most of it was spent trying to lure big actors on to the scene. Adam Sandler’s ability to captivate an audience with goofiness and quirkiness was not found in this film. Sandler lacked the almost childlike trance that most of his films can put somebody in.
Overall it was a mediocre film that many said came up short for creativity, excitement, and ingenuity. The whole movie seemed to be a bust and many were disappointed. This was the first netflix original movie i've seen and makes me wonder if most of their other films are this way. With the actors that were in the film you would think it would be a hit, unfortunately it did not amount to those expectations. Even though the movie didn't turn out as expected, you can see it for yourself on Netflix.

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