Mean Girls | Teen Ink

Mean Girls

September 29, 2015
By addi_wolosuk BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
addi_wolosuk BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mean girls is a great movie that is a hilarious movie that will keep you laughing constantly. In this movie it stars Lindsay Lohan who plays the new girl who moved from Africa to Illinois to a big high school and she has only ever been home schooled. Cady now gets to experience what it’s really like in high school. Which is a lot different than what she had expected. Cady’s expectation of high school isn’t what she thought it would be at all.

On her first day she meets two misfits Janis Ian and Damien. As they start talking she learns about the “Plastics”. They are a group of girls who are popular and everyone loves them. At lunch Cady gets an opportunity of a lifetime to sit and eat lunch with the “Plastics’’. The “Plastics” are the most popular and prettiest girls in all the high school. Regina George played by Rachel McAdams invites her to be friends and join their group of friends of. Later Janis and Damien convince Cady to join the group just to mess with Regina George and Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith. Throughout the movie you can see all the things they do to try to mess up their perfect lives. Cady soon makes the mistake of liking Regina’s former boyfriend Aaron Samuels who are constantly on and off relationship. During the movie as Cady does terrible things to mostly ruin Regina’s lives and turn Karen and Gretchen against her she turns out to be the real mean girl. As Cady gets caught up in all the attention and everyone loving her she gets in a big fight with Janis and ends in the worst way. As Regina is very jealous of Cady’s new found popularity Regina soon stabs Cady in the back in the worst way.  And the fall out of Regina’s actions are devastating.

Mean girls was directed by Mark Waters and was based off a self-help for parents called Queen-bees and Wannabes which was written by Rosalind Wiseman. The book was soon adapted and written by Tina Fey. This is my favorite movie and I would suggest it to anyone that they should watch it. The acting is excellent. The humor and lines in the movie is very clever. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who hasn’t seen it yet to watch it.

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