Man of Steel | Teen Ink

Man of Steel

September 23, 2015
By Anonymous

This movie is based on the Dc comic’s superman. It takes place on the world of krypton and also on earth in smallville a small town in Kansas. In this movie there planet krypton is being destroyed so Jor-el and his wife have to send their child to earth where he will be safe. Throughout this movie he has to hide from everyone because he has special powers so if he gets mad he tends to unleash them.  His parents that found him finally decide to show him what he came in. After this he goes on a trek to try and find out who his real parents are and where he came from.

He has to hide until General Zod and his friends force him to show who he is. Several times he has troubles with General Zod(The man that killed his real dad another one of his world),  and his friends trying to kill him and make him gone. He then realizes that he can do great things with his powers to keep his people off his back. He ends up having to fight and kill his people to get general Zod, because he killed his father and now SUPERMAN wants revenge. In the process of trying to kill superman they destroy his whole home town and city he runs to. He also has to stop a machine that is destroying earth.  Then he has a battle with Gen. Zod and takes him out.

This movie keeps you awake because there is always something going on. With all of its fights and explosions. I would recommend this movie to everyone. I find it great and interesting I don’t know about other people but I think this is a pretty good movie. It’s not my favorite but now we wait for the second movie Man of Steel 2, where Batman and Superman got to battle against each other.

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