Steb Brothers | Teen Ink

Steb Brothers

April 11, 2014
By SpiffyAvacados BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
SpiffyAvacados BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You should be your worst critic

Why immaturity is sometimes good

The ability to make people laugh is a trait valued highly in today’s society. People tend to gravitate around funny characters; it’s just part of human nature. It said you could be the ugliest guy in the world, but if you can make a girl laugh, she can be yours. Throughout all human traits, being funny is definitely an important one if you want people to like you. Because people like to laugh, things that make them laugh should be popular right? Bingo. One of the most obvious manifestations of this would be comedy films. They sell out and rake in millions of dollars in profit, but you're not reading this to learn about comedy I'm guessing.

One more that fits very well in the comedic genre is Step brothers. It fits in so well because it has all aspects of a good comedy in a movie. When I say "good comedy" don't think sophisticated jokes and satire, think of things so ridiculous and stupid you simply have to laugh. It has all the traits of a movie that people would want to watch; vulgar humor, immature puns, childish behavior, and inappropriate themes. In my eyes, if you don't think step brothers is funny, you're probably too mature for my tastes

Step brothers is a movie everybody should see, provided they aren’t very religious, aren’t very serious, and have a very childish sense of humor. If you don't meet these requirements or are unable to see the movie, you should at least know the plot to understand what's going on. Two middle aged people, a man and woman, fall for each other after meeting at work. Sounds very peaceful and heartwarming right? They're both thrilled to discover they both have 30 year old sons who still live with them. They go through stages of hatred, awkwardness, and being inseparable. I won't give up too much, but that’s the basics.

If I were to review this, I would give it a 5 star rating, but not because it was clever or well thought of, just because it was seriously too funny. There were so many scenes where I couldn't contain myself and ended up scaring my neighbors. On top of it being funny, it's also very quotable. You could quote any line from this movie in the right context and someone will laugh. Like I said earlier, if you're immature and don't mind inappropriate things, see this movie as soon as you can!

The author's comments:
I made this with my hands

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