The Wizard of Oz | Teen Ink

The Wizard of Oz

February 20, 2014
By Hannahobanana1234 BRONZE, LIttleton, Colorado
Hannahobanana1234 BRONZE, LIttleton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life goes on.

The Wizard of Oz is a classic film. This is a film that everyone will remember. It was the first movie in history to have both black and white and color. Back then it was a major breakthrough. Even now as a fourteen year old the fact that this amazing movie was the first movie with color is mind blowing. This movie is ranked number six in the American Film Institution top one hundred. The Wizard of Oz is a movie that teaches you not to judge and to follow your dreams. My favorite conversation from the movie is a conversation between Dorothy and the Scarecrow. In this conversation Dorothy and the scarecrow are talking about how even people that dont have brains still do a lot of talking. Dorothy soon realizes that she cannot judge people before she really hears their story. The Wizard of Oz is a story when a young girl named Dorothy takes off on an adventure. During this adventure she meets a scarecrow, tin man, lion, a good witch and a bad witch, and the wizard that will grant all of their wishes. They use the yellow brick road to find their way to the wizard. While on the yellow brick road they face many challenges because of the bad witch. That is what i think the point of the movie is. Even if you’re on one path to get somewhere there is always going to be someone targeting you and trying to make you fail. After all of them get to the Wizard, they all realize something very important. Dorothy clicks her heels three times and returns to her home where she becomes extremely grateful for her family being right there and not being in a strange world or place. In my opinion, this is an outstanding movie. It is entertaining, scary, and funny.

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