Now You See Me | Teen Ink

Now You See Me

January 7, 2014
By Ruby Sanchez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Ruby Sanchez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Now You See Me

Now you see me is an intense and mysterious film by Louis Leterrier. The cast is made up of Jesse Eisenberg, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco, and Woody Harrelson. It is based on four street magicians who team up to find the eye, to fool the cops, and make millions. The four illusionists start receiving cards which they begin to follow, that leads them to committing heists and trying to lose the cops.

The stagecraft of the four actors is incredible. Their acting is so real and amusing that I gazed at it many times after. The acting of Jesse Eisenberg, Isla Fisher, Dave Franco, and Woody Harrelson makes you forget you're even watching a film, but if it were in real life. Dave Franco, in my opinion, is the unrivaled actor. He does an amazing job in all of his roles, but in Now you see me it is incomparable. Despite his good looks he has a huge part which really shows off his significant dramatization. This movie is mysterious because the plot changes many times leaving you on the edge of your seat, but keeping it interesting throughout the whole film. What made this picture mysterious, is that they would always come up with a new way to surprise you, may it be by them all of a sudden running away , or confusing you and minutes letting you in on what's going on. In the end, they foreshadowed how the magicians made everything happen and how they deceived the cops, and who was the one giving them the cards to get to the eye. Thats when you really realize why everything happened the way it did. The cinema does an impressive job displaying how magic is always one step ahead of the FBI.
Now you see me is a committed film, showing how these magicians don't give up. Now you see me grasps your attention of its secrecy and intensity. This film makes the illusions they play appear real and un canning. The actors provide a sense of mystery by recreating magic acts done by other magicians throughout the years but adding their own twist to it. You can be assured that the audience will be mind blown during every new event in the movie. I enjoyed watching Now You See Me because it really captivates your attention and leaves you wanting to watch more. All in all ,this movie is a great entertainment, and I recommend anybody who likes a little mystery to watch it.

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