Ender's Game | Teen Ink

Ender's Game

November 21, 2013
By Grayson Cosier BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
Grayson Cosier BRONZE, KEAAU, Hawaii
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Ender’s Game Movie Review

I thought that Ender’s game was a spectacular movie. It had a lot of key lines I was looking for and the action I was expecting from the book. It was a little disappointing too because they had a lot of scenes that I wanted to see but weren’t in the movie. I know that they had to cut a lot of scenes out because it would’ve been a 6-hour movie, but they could’ve maybe put some of the cut out scenes instead of the ones they actually put in the movie. For example, they didn’t put the Locke and the Demosthenes scenes in the movie and that was good because they made the movie longer with other scenes the fans might want to see instead.

Ender’s game takes play in the near future and earth has been attached by a distant alien race known as the formics. Earth was saved by a military genius known as Mazer Rackham. 50 years later, earth is informed of another attack and is in need of a new military commander. Their best home is Ender Wiggin. A young third.

They did a good job in finding the right characters for the movie. In the book they described Bonzo being big tall and a lot bigger than Ender. In the movie, he was almost a whole head shorter! In the book they also described Bonzo being punctured in the brain by his nose going inward from Ender hitting it. In the movie, Bonzo was pushed and he hit his head on the floor. When I was reading the book, it said that Ender was in at least three armies before becoming a commander himself. In the movie, Ender went from salamander army to being commander of Dragon army. Another big part of Ender’s game is Demosthenes and Locke. I wasn’t to disappointed about that not being in the movie because I was quite bored when the author talked about them. I also saw that Ender’s violence isn’t as aggressive as the book described it to be. In the book it said that Ender beat Stilson, and Stilson eventually died later in the book. It seemed that Ender went light on him and he only got a bloody nose and the wind knocked out of him.

The setting took place in the place in the places that I imagined. Although, in the book it described the battle room different. The author described that battle school had more than one battle room. In the book, Ender travels with Valentine to a distant planet to govern a colony of humans. I was disappointed to see that the movie didn’t show this scene. I thought that the movie would be better if they would have shown this scene because it would’ve been interesting to see what Ender would’ve have looked like as a fully grown adult.

I noticed that the makers of the movie changed the story a little bit. On thing I saw was what they called the Buggers. In the movie, they called the buggers formics. When the book started, it described Ender being six years old and in the end of the book, it described him being 13. But in the movie it seemed like he was 13 for the whole movie. With the movie being like that, it seemed like instead of the story being 8 years long it was just a few weeks long. I also noticed that when Ender got on the spacecraft to first got to battle school he met Bean for the first time. In the book he didn’t meet Beam until he was commander of dragon army. In the movie Ender was nice and friendly with bean. But in the book it always seemed that Ender was always so hard on Bean and thought he was cocky. Another change of the story I saw was at the end when Ender was doing the simulation with his friends. In the movie it they lost one of their simulations. I recall that in the book it it was a near loss, but they lost a lot ships and Mazer got mad at Ender for that. I also noticed that at battle school, the students didn’t use as much slang language as they did in the book. For example, I didn’t hear “fart-eater” with I heard multiple times in the book. I also noticed that in the movie Ender didn’t break Bernard’s arm on the way up to battle school.

I thought than Enders game was a great story. I really enjoyed reading the book and also really loved watching the movie. I have to say that the book was better than the move. I feel that the book was more complete than the move. The movie had a weak ending compared to the book. Even though the ending was weak, it still was similar to movie. I think that its good they left out a lot of stuff but they didn’t add stuff that wasn’t in the book. If I were you, I would watch the movie before reading the book because you will probably enjoy it more because you won’t be as paranoid if they left out one of your favorite parts in the book if you already read it.

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